Chapter 38: Dandy Mott, what is your past?

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I yelled out different goodbyes while I walked back to Dandy and the car. He sat quietly, tapping his finger on the steering wheel.

"Getting impatient?" I asked while opening the passenger door.

"Maybe a little bit. Did you get everything sorted?" He asked and gave me a kiss on the hand.

"Yes. Ethel has gladly agreed to bake us a cake. Thank you very much, Dandy." I said and kissed him.

"No need to thank me. I enjoy seeing you happy.

The drive home was quiet. The only noise, the music coming from the radio and me humming along.

I got Dandy to at least show his mother the car we picked out before he ran inside and into his playroom.
I used this opportunity to talk with Gloria.

"Gloria, do you have a moment?" I asked carefully.

"Yes. Of course, dear." She said quietly as we sat down in the lounge.

"I was wondering if you were really ok with us having the wedding at the freakshow." I said hesitantly.

"Dearest. It's your wedding, and if that is what makes you two happy, then so be it. I just worry about the family." She said with a sigh.

"Why's that?" I asked concerned.

"The Mott family has always tried their best to keep the money in the family. Doing unspeakable things. At least you look normal. They won't know that you are one of those freaks." She said with a polite smile.

"I may not look like them. But I can act and behave just like I did back at home." I said with a bitter undertone.

"Of course. I didn't want to strike a nerve." She said and looked out the window.

"We could host a luxurious party, probably the day after. Would that ease your mind?" I asked.

"That is very sweet y/n. But Dandy has always despised those kinds of family gatherings. Even when he was just a child, he would run up to his playroom and not come down again." She said with a soft smile.

"Surely he played with his cousins or friends?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, he had no friends. And he hated his cousins." She murmered, but then her face twisted into what I thought to be one of thinking. "I guess he did play with Dora's daughter, sometimes." She finally said.

"I didn't know Dora had a daughter." I said mostly to myself.

"An accomplished young lady." Gloria stated.

And with that, the conversation ended.

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