chapter 5: what have I gotten myself into

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The evening went by quiet. We ate dinner and talked a lot about our show.
We drank and celebrated into the night. 

"So. About that Dandy guy." Jimmy stated.

"What about him?" I asked after taking a swig from my flask.

"C'mon, don't play dumb. Is he gonna be a regular now?" Dot asked.

"I don't think I understand you guys." I said slowly.

"You like him, right? I saw how you looked at each other and you held hands too!" Bette declared.

I choked on my sip and coughed.
"So what! He's nice, and I only cuffed him to me because it seemed like a fun idea. Also, I didn't want him wandering around our home alone." I defended myself.

"But you didn't just cuff him. You two held hands." Bette argued.

"Anyway. I don't think he'll be a regular." I sighed.

"Why not?" Eve asked.

"Because, why would he." I said, which was met with groans.

"He only smiled when he saw you. He applauded you like you're the president. He obviously likes you, too." Jimmy huffed.

I stayed silent and emptied my flask.
"I'm gonna head to bed."

"And dream about your lil' rich guy." Bette said, giggling.

We said our good nights, and I went to my trailor.

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