Chapter 33: prepare for halloween

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We sat down and waited.

"I'm glad Dandy found you. And I'm glad that you at least look normal." She said and smiled.

"Excuse me?" I said, completely baffled by her statement.

"You know, for a freak. You look and behave normal." That smile again. She didn't mean harm. She meant it as a compliment.

"Well, thank you. I guess." I said and looked away from her.

"There you are! I've been looking for you, my love!" Dandy yelled when he saw me.
I covered my ears and mouthed 'too loud', he took my hands in his and kissed them.

"I will learn. I promise." He said with a hurt smile.

Then Dora came in with the food, and silence filled the room.
Until Gloria asked about the wedding.

"So when are we going to host the festivities?" She asked quietly but direct.

"Not until after Halloween." I said, tiptoeing around the fact that we're not having it at the mansion.

"So there's still a lot of time. Good. You must make all kinds of decisions." She said and put her napkin to her mouth.

"Not that many, Actually." Dandy said, and the cogs in Gloria's head began to turn. "We're getting married on the freakshow grounds." He added.

"Dora, would you bring me some water!" She said loudly.

Dora came and brought her water and stayed by her side.

"It means a lot to me, and I'm happy Dandy is so thoughtful and even suggested it." I said slowly and unsure.

"Exactly." He stated with a smug grin.
"You should be happy. That way, you can't ruin anything." He added.

"Dandy, please." I said quietly.

"Urgh. Of course we would be happy if you came." I had to kick his leg for him to invite Dora as well, but at least he did.

"Anyway... halloween is coming up. What are we going to do?" I tried to lighten the mood.

"We could make a little party for ourselves." Gloria said, trying to actually be helpful.

"That's stupid. Of course we'll be going out." Dandy pouted.

"Cancel that, you brat. There's a curfew." Dora threw in.

"Curfews are for poor people." He groaned.

"Why's there a curfew?" I asked, ignoring his comment for now.

"Oh, haven't you heard? People have been disappearing all over town!" Gloria cried out.

"Pff. Whatever. I wanna go out!" Dandy protested.

"Dandy. I don't think that's a good idea." I tried to argue.

"Are you scared? You know I can protect you. And I will!" He stated proudly.

"You won't change your mind?" I asked again but knew the answer. He shook his head. "Fine. But I want to choose my costume. I appreciate you, and you do have great taste. But I want to wear my own costume. Okay?"

"Okay. But it has to be scary!" He said and stuck up his nose.

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