CHAPTER 56: Back to 'Normal'

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"I could never hate you Y/N. I love you." He said and the tears finally spilled.

"Even after those things I said to you?" I asked and started to cry as well.

"You were extremly mean to me. But you weren't entirely wrong." He said and hugged onto me.

"I'm so sorry Dandy." I said but he hushed me.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I sighed, "But I'm really concerned for your wellbeing."

"Please don't be." He said, his voice muffled by my shoulder.

"How could I not. I want to live a long and happy life with you. I can't do that if you're dead." I said.

"I can't control myself. I am a killer y/n." He said with a heavy heart.

"But you're not a god. Not invincable." I added to his statement.

"Maybe not." He sighed. "I can't loose you."

"You won't." I reassured him.

"Will you still marry me Y/N?" He asked.

"Yes. A million trillion times yes." I said with the biggest smile I could manage.

"Then let's do it. Right now." He said and stood from the floor. Reaching for my hand to lift me up.

We went downstairs and called for Gloria. She came running as soon as she heard us.

"What is it?" She asked, concern in her voice and face.

"We're getting married." I said.

"Right now." Dandy added.

"But... I'll get the official!" She cried with joy and ran to the phone.

"We should try and make ourselves look a bit more presentable. Especially me." I said and touched my messy hair.

"You don't have too." Dandy said and kissed me.

We broke apart, "But I want to. I bought the wedding outfit..." I said sadly, being reminded of the fact that my dream wedding wasn't happening and that I could never return to the freakshow.

"Then get dressed if you want to." He said and together we ran upstairs.

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