Chapter 39: Invitations

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The rest of the day went my fast. We ate, and after a short board game, we went to his room.

"Dearest, your mother brought up a point I'd like to talk to you about. " I carefully stated, not to tip him off.

"Oh what is it?" He asked, kind of bored.

"Well, about who to invite for the ceremony..." I said slowly.

He turned his head towards the window. I decided to let him be and not push the topic any further. Instead I craweled over and gave him a hug.

However, to my surprise he exhaled before, picking up where I had left the conversation. "Mother can come and Dora too, I guess." He huffed.

"What about her daughter? I heard you used to play with her." I said happily.

"I don't think she would like to attend my wedding. Or any event concerning me for that matter." He said with a slightly pained expression. "But if it would make you happy, we can send her an invitation."

"I just don't want you to be upset if, there are more guests on my side of the aisle." I said truthfully. To which he gave an exaggerated laugh.

"Darling. I couldn't care less about those awfully disgusting people. My family is sick. Besides. They don't deserve to meet you. They are beneath us, Y/N." Her said. It was clear he held some kind of anger or resentment towards his family. Which he didn't intend to share with me, yet.

"You know, yourt mother will be quite a bit upset by that." I said, trying to do something she would appreciate, just once.

"Since when do you care about something like that?" He asked, clearly upset that I kind of took his mother's side.

"Why don't we make it a game then?" I said after thinking about it for a bit.

"How could we turn this into a game?" He asked, clearly intrigued by my suggestion.

"We'll send out fancy invitations, so it looks like we are inviting to a luxourious rich people wedding. And then we'll watch them realize where they are when it is already too late to leave! Doesn't that sound fun!" I said getting increasingly excited by my own genius idea.

"Y/n you are brilliant! They will be enraged! Disgusted even! It's the perfect plan." He almost yelled and hopped around the room. "I'll comission the most luxiourious invitations you can imagine! And that way I'll disturb them enough to finally stop bothering me!"

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