Chapter 34: more preparations

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After dinner, we continued to talk about what we wanted to do for halloween.

"But Dora already made you your costume!" Gloria threw in.

"Well, don't wait! Show me!" He yelled, which resulted in a whine from me and an apologetic glance from dandy towards me.

Dora came back with a big box. And then the drama unfolded.
He yelled and screamed. It was too much for me. How could one man be this loud.
"Dandy. Please calm down. We'll make you a better one." I said and looked at Dora with worry in my heart.

"How!?" He yelled at me, and I flinched.
"Y/n! I'm sorry! I didn't want to yell at you!" He whispered and held me hand.

"I'll show you how." I said and took him upstairs.

Together, we made him a clown costume, and Dandy was good as new. Happy like nothing had happened.
His mood swings would be a hadnful to handle, but nothing that love and patience wouldn't fix.

"And now yours! Wait. Why don't you wear your show outfit? I'd be a nice occasion, right?" He asked with his big sparkly eyes.

"Oh no! Dandy, I couldn't! Not on halloween! That's forbidden. I don't want to be taken by Edward Moordrake!" I explained, but Dandy looked confused.
So I told him the legend of moordrake and why freaks don't perform on halloween.

"But putting on the costume doesn't mean you're performing." He argued.

"I don't want to take any chances." I said and asked him if he had any ideas for my costume.

"You said you wanted to choose your own costume." He said plainly.

"Yes, but you can still offer me your opinion and thoughts." I smiled.

"Okay. Then you should also be a clown. Then we'd match!" He sounded excited.

"Not a bad idea." I didn't wanna upset him anymore, so I agreed, and we made me a costume as well.

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