Chapter 6

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Fix a heart

Chapter 6

"Some people won't be happy until they've pushed you to the ground. What you have to do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day. Hold on to your power and never give it away." -Donna Schoenrock

Harry's POV:

I smirk to myself as I push back through the double doors, Blairs bag still smushed between my arm and chest.

Something about seeing her irritated or angry, just brings me joy.

My eyebrows frown as I feel something vibrate against me, my hand going to my jacket pocket to pull out my phone. Maybe it's one of the boys finally deciding to talk to me again.

But when I take out my phone nothing is on my screen.

Something vibrates again.

I chuckle to myself as I realize where its coming from; Blair's bag.

I take it in my hands, trying to figure out how to unclasp the damn thing before digging through its contents.

Lipgloss, chapstick, spare change, mirror, ah; phone.

I pull it out, satisfied when I see that there is no lock on the phone.

Blair's POV:

After venting my brains out to Sadie the whole way home, I stomp up the driveway; wanting to go take a refreshing shower to calm myself down.

When I walk into the house I notice my laptop chiming on the dining room table, deeply sighing before tugging off my heels; discarding them before walking to my computer.

I read an email from my mom; telling me to call her.

I purse my lips; not really in the mood for a long phone call. But I haven't talked to her for a week.

I don't remember taking my phone in with me, "Sadie do you have my phone?!" I call out.

"Nope!" She yells from upstairs.

I frown before thinking it might be in the car. But after searching under the seats, and everywhere else in the car possible; I face palm myself.

It was in my purse.

I grunt in aggravation. How about I just get a new one?

But that means he will still have my phone, which is not good. I trump back inside, flinging Sadie's door open. She sits before her tv, already changed from her dress.

"My phone was in my purse!" I screech.

It looks like she's trying not to laugh, her lips smashed together.

"Im sorry." She says in a breathy laugh.

"It's not funny!" I whine, stomping out of her room.

I trump downstairs, picking up the house phone from its holdster.

I angrily dial my number, putting the phone to my ear as I wait...and wait.

"I see you've forgotten something." His deep voice answers, making my arms prick with chills.

"Yes. I want it back." I snap.

I hear him chuckle, making me annoyed.

"Then you'll have to come get it won't you?" He asks.

"Are you snooping on my phone?! You shouldn't have even unlocked it!" I cut in.

"Are you going to come get it or not?" He argues back.

"I can't now!" I growl.

"And whys that?" I hear rummaging around, and then the engine of a car. He's left the reunion?

"Because I'm already home, and I don't want to leave again." I say annoyedly.

"Then tomorrow you'll get your phone back. When you want to get your fat arse out of the house." He says.

"Oh what happened to me being hot?" I taunt.

"I'm not bringing it to you." He says, ignoring my comment.

"Then I'll come get it tomorrow!" I yell.

"Stop yelling." He mumbles.

"I don't want to stop yelling." I scoff.

"Just meet me somewhere like....the school parking lot tomorrow." I tell him.

"No, come to the diner off the freeway at 10:00." He says.

"No I'm not going on a date with you." I say.

What happened to never seeing him again? That was my plan. Is that when I got away from him, I would stay away. But no.

"Like it's a date." He scoffs.

"Just be there Bart."

And the call ends.

A/N: These next few chapters will start getting interesting, please comment and vote:) ily!:)

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