Chapter 3

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Fix a heart

Chapter 3

"Never do a wrong thing to make a friend--or to keep one." -Robert E. Lee

Blair's POV:

I grumble as I scan through channels on the tv, Sadie leaving me alone to my own thoughts since she had gone to bed. Almost every news channel, or gossip channel had the face of Harry or his bandmates on the screen. It pains me to see his face; remembering all the times it held that evil glare, that icy smile that was always aimed towards me.

I give up, shutting the tv down before picking up my cup of tea, walking into the kitchen to put it in the sink. I empty the remains of it down the drain, putting it into the dish washer before I turn to head upstairs.

I stop as I see the reunion envelope that still sits on the dining room table, my fingers gently grasping onto it.

He won't be there Blair, I highly doubt it.

That's what I kept repeating to myself.

Harry's POV:

I grumble into the confines of my bed sheets as I hear someone call my name, my hands searching for an extra pillow to bury over my face.

"Harry." I hear it again, my hands finally finding a pillow.

I let out another grunt as I feel it get snatched from my hands. "Harry!"

"What the hell?" I grunt, looking up to see my sister glaring down to me.

"It's nearly noon." She tells me, throwing the pillow that she had snatched from me back to the front of my bed, placing her hands on her hips.

"And?" I ask her, raising my eyebrows.

" need to get up. You didn't get sent back here just to sit around. Mum told me that we should go out." She tells me.

I sit up, running my hands over my face to clear my vision.

"Going out isn't going to change anything. Just because they sent me here for a while, that doesn't mean that I have to follow your every command okay?" I tell her, lifting myself from bed.

I hear her sigh as I push passed her, grabbing a pair of gray sweats from the end of my bed to slip them on over my boxers.

"Harry I'm just trying to help. And so is mum. So if you want to, I have to run some errands and you can come along. Mum is out." I hear her say, my back turned away from her before I hear my bedroom door shut.

I haven't heard from any of the boys since I've gotten here yesterday morning. No calls...nothing.

And what is sending me back here going to accomplish? Nothing. I don't see why they did it in the first place. I'm completely fine.

I hear rummaging around from the downstairs kitchen, Gemma probably making something to eat before she heads out.

I let out a grunt before I slip off my joggers that I had just pulled on, slipping on a pair of jeans instead. Doing errands is better than sitting home alone with my stressed thoughts right?

I drag myself downstairs after getting dressed, seeing Gemma walking out of the kitchen with a bowl in her hands as she hurriedly try's to eat.

She gives me a smile, "Are you going with me?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'll go." I murmur, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Why don't you eat and then we'll go?" She suggests with a small smile.

"I'm not hungry." I tell her.

She sighs before turning away from me, setting her bowl into the kitchen sink.

"Let's go."


I slump back into the house with grocery bags hanging from my wrists, setting them on the kitchen counter.

"Im going to go get the mail. I'll be right back." I hear Gemma say as she sets her few bags down with the ones I had brought in.

I don't answer, not really caring as I start to empty the contents we had bought from the plastic bags.

"Hey, Harry." I hear Gemma say from behind me, making me turn to face her.

I look at her face before I realize what she is holding, and envelope being placed into my hand.

'Cheshire Highschool Reunion'

I push back the curls that had fallen into my view, shaking my head before shoving it back to my sister.

"Im not going to go." I say sharply, turning back to my bags.

"But it might be good for see your old friends. It might help you get back to your old se-"

"Gemma, stop! Just stop trying to fucking fix everything!" I interrupt her.

She gives me an icy glare before letting the now wrinkled envelope that i had crinkled in my hand fall to the floor in front of my feet.

I let out a guilty sigh as I see her eyes sparkle with tears. They instantly transformed into a familiar pair of icy blue orbs that I haven't thought of in a while. I shake my head, making the vision disappear.

"I'm trying to help you Harry. Stop being such an arse to me." Gemma says before she stomps off.

I squeeze my eyes shut as tight as possible, trying to get the haunting blue pair of teary eyes from my mind.

Blair's eyes.

I bend down, picking up the rectangular envelope. I tentatively rip it open, pulling out the paper.

It's Saturday at 12:00.

I guess it would be nice to see my old friends. And it would get my Mum and Sister off of my case a little.

My mind went back to Blair. She may be there, but I doubt it; she hated party's, get togethers, ect.

I haven't thought about her in ages.


"That's the new girl." My friend Jason speaks up at lunch, pointing across the school yard.

I take a bite of my sandwich before turning in the direction he had pointed. The dark haired girl was sat alone before a blonde walked up to her, scooting into the bench to sit beside her. I knew her name was Sadie.

"She transferred here this year." He tells me.

"What's her name?" I ask, breaking my gaze to look back to my friend.

"I think Blair." He shrugs.

"She's pretty." I mumble, shifting in my seat.

He raises his eyebrows at me, almost as if he were going to laugh.

"Her?" He asks.

Girls are never good enough for him, he had very high standards.

"You mean the blonde one right?" He laughs humorously at me.

I shake me head no, "Then the other one?" He laughs harder than before.

I nod my head slowly, "I dare you to go tell her." Jason tells me.

"No way!" I shout.

"What because your a woose?" He asks.

I roll my eyes. "I'm not telling her I think she's pretty. It might make her think I like her or something. And that will make people think differently of me if we start to go out or something like that." I scoff, not wanting Jason to think I'm a loser. It was hard enough to become friends with him in the first place.

"Then tell her the opposite of that." He urges me. "Or else that means your a woose since you can't talk to a girl." He tells me.

"Fine." I say through gritted teeth, standing up from my table.

And that's when the bullying began.

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