Chapter 69: searching

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"Fucking hell," Alex mutters, throwing a tablecloth on the table and running up to Cole's room.

The 3 of us follow him.

"His window is closed. It's practically impossible to close it from the outside," Alex says.
"The little twerp probably pulled something. I'm almost confident he snuck out," Noah snips.

Alex nods. "Probably crashing at his friend's place until the party starts,"

He then turns to me. "Emma I'm warning you. If you know where he is, you better tell me now," he says sternly.

"What do you mean? I've been with all of you since he threw a hissy fit and went to his room!" I say with an attitude.

"Can't we just bust him in the morning when he comes home?" Aiden asks.

Noah shakes his head. "Are you crazy? Nick's parties are dangerous. Last time, people got arrested, and in serious fights. We're not letting him go there,"

For the next 20 minutes, we all looked around the mansion trying to find him, in hopes he didn't sneak out. Alex is giving our security guards hell. We try calling Cole, but it goes straight to voicemail. We text him like a hundred times too, and call his friends, but to no avail.

"He's not here. Let's drive to his friends' houses." Noah grumbles, grabbing his keys.

"I'll come with you," Alex says with a sigh. He's praying Cole didn't sneak out. Out of the two of us, I'm obviously the one who gets into more trouble. Cole is less disobedient, but he's also more sneaky. He sort of flew under the radar too, especially for the first few months after I showed up.

30 minutes later, Alex calls Liam.

"He's not at any of his friend's houses. A lot of them aren't home, either. We're driving to Nick's place. We don't remember the address too well, so it might take some time." Alex tells Liam, still sounding livid.

"Alright, we'll keep trying to get in contact with him. Call me if you get him." Liam tells him before they end the call.

Liam and Aiden are restless, waiting for a call from Alex. After seemingly forever, we hear the ring we've been waiting for. Liam immediately picks up the call.

"He's not- they don't- Nick's family doesn't live here anymore," Alex gets out, his voice wobbling with fear and rage. "I have no idea where he lives now. We called a few more of his friends, and none of them know where he is, or where Nick's house is!" Alex says worriedly. "I don't know what else we can do except wait for him to come back himself. Let's just hope he comes back, and doesn't pull an Aiden."

Aiden looks sheepish. "What did he mean by that?" I whisper to him and he chuckles dryly. "When I was around Cole's age, I got mad at our dad and sort of ran away. Well, I snuck out to my friend's house, but I was too scared to go back home so I just stayed there for a while, and bounced from one friend's house to the other, till Dad eventually found me and dragged me back home. We had a long talk, and I got an even longer spanking." Aiden tells me, shuddering at the memory. "Jeez, that sounds awful," I mutter. He nods. "It was. Learn from me."

Alex and Liam talk for another couple of minutes, discussing what they should do next, and Aiden joins the conversation. Bored, and uncertain of what to do, I open Snapchat on my phone. I see that Holden, one of Cole's friends posted a story. Without thinking much, I opened it. It was of the party! It was a 10-second video of people surrounding a table, playing beer pong, while music is blasting in the background. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cole, cheering one of the guys on. He is at the party. I then realised something. I check Holden's location, and I can see where the party is!

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