Chapter 71: safe

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Cole's POV

I get out my phone to try and call her, but it's not working, I don't even give a shit. I just want to know if she's okay.

What if she just walked back home? After much deliberation, I started to run in the direction of the mansion. It felt sick going back without her, but I had to try. Once I reach our house, I pound on the door, not even bothering to ring the doorbell. After a few seconds, it slowly opened.

No one will ever understand the relief that flooded my veins when EMMA opened the door. It felt like my heart stopped again. Without even thinking, I immediately tackled her with a hug, holding her so tight, sending us both crashing to the floor.

I couldn't breathe. Partially because I was scared out of my mind, and because I'd been running at an insane speed. I was sobbing hard, holding her right there on the floor. She slowly sat us both up on the floor and held me back as I sobbed into her hair.

"Why the fuck did you leave?" I croak, finally managing to speak. She shook her head, but I didn't let her speak. "I was losing my mind!" I say, squeezing her as tight as I can. I felt so relieved she was safe, yet I felt like killing her at the same time.

"Like we were?" A deep voice says behind me. I stiffen and slowly turn to look behind me. It was Alex, standing over me with his arms crossed over his chest, looking like he could kill me.
I gulp, slowly standing up. "H-hi Alex," I manage to say.

I'm not sure what he wanted me to say, but 'hi' was not it.
"HI?" He booms. "YOU SNEAK OUT, GO TO A PARTY WE TOLD YOU NOT TO GO TO, IGNORE OUR CALLS, LEAVE YOUR SISTER OUT ON THE ROAD AT NIGHT, AND YOU SAY HI?!" He yells, fists clenched. I take a few steps back. I'm honestly terrified of Alex right now. Noah is usually the one with the temper, but right now, Alex is furious with me.

He narrows his eyes at me, before taking a deep breath and running his hand over his face, turning around. Noah is standing behind him, surprisingly looking slightly less angry.

"I'm sorry," I start, but Alex snaps his head back at me so fast, I'm surprised it didn't give him whiplash. "Don't." He said lowly, and I put my head down. I do not have the guts to look at him right now.

He shakes his head. "What the fuck were you even thinking? That's right, you weren't!" He barked, taking a step towards me. He was so enraged, that the vein in his forehead looked like it could pop.

Behind me, Emma got up and stupidly tried to walk to the staircase, but of course, Alex saw her immediately.

He turned his head towards her and pointed his finger at her. "Don't even try, young lady." He warns in a scary tone, and she smartly walks back to us.

She meekly stood behind me, looking as afraid of Alex as I am right now.
"I don't even know what to do with the both of you," He said exasperatedly.

Noah stepped forward and put his hand on Alex's shoulder. "Go calm down. You're too mad right now." He says firmly. Alex nods. "You're right." He says quietly, walking away to his office, and slamming the door, making both me and Emma flinch.

Noah turns to look at us, and he walks over to me. I tense, worried that he'd bend me over the coffee table ans spank me right then and there. But to my surprise, he wraps me in a huge hug.

I quickly relaxed, and let him hug me. He squeezes me tightly one last time before pulling me off of him. "We're so glad you're safe. You have no idea how worried Alex was, how we all were." He says quietly, tightly gripping my shoulders.

I look down, still unsure what to say. He lets go of me and sighs. "With how angry Alex is, I'm pretty sure he will want to deal with the two of you tomorrow. Go upstairs and get to bed." He orders, and we both nod. He sticks his palm out. "Give me your phone." He says, giving me a look. "Since you couldn't bother to answer us anyway," He adds, glaring at me.

"Sorry," I mumble. "I misplaced it as soon as I got there," I say, truthfully.
He rolls his eyes, before turning to Emma. "Yours too, Emma," He says impatiently.

"It's charging," She responds curtly. He narrows his eyes at her. "Well, go get it!" He snaps, and she scurries up the stairs. She comes back down, and she hands him her phone. With one final glare, he sent the both of us upstairs.

As soon as we were out of Noah's sight, I grabbed Emma's arm. "What the hell happened?" I whisper to her angrily. She puts a finger to her mouth and we go to her room.

"Well?!" I demand, the second she shuts her door.
"Before you yell at me too, hear me out." She says, annoyed.

I glare at her and she rolls her eyes. "I didn't walk home, okay?" She says, and I furrow my eyebrows. "What?"

She nods. "You didn't come back, so I sorta... left the diner."
"That's the one thing I told you not to do!" I scold.

"Well, don't blame me! You were taking forever to get back!" She shouts.

"Because I had to find my damn phone! Then Austin got a hold of it and didn't give it back to me!" I yell back.

She chuckles darkly. "I didn't realise your phone was more important than getting us back home,"

I scowl. "You're being ridiculous! You're acting like I just left you there and went back there for the party." I snap, annoyed.

Just before she was going to respond, out of nowhere, Emma's door flings open. "What's going on here?" We hear an angry voice ask. We both turn to see a not-so-happy Liam glaring at us. Just wonderful.

"We were just uh- talking," I say quickly, scratching the back of my head.
"Mhm," Liam says, seeming unconvinced. "Sounded to me like you were yelling,"
"Sorry," Emma mumbles.

"Are you both trying to get Alex even more agitated?" He asks.
We shake our heads. He looks at us for another minute. "Just get to bed, both of you. I mean it. If I see either of you awake, the spanking you'll get tomorrow will be your second." He warns, and I nod, quickly shuffling out of Emma's room.

I'm definitely not getting any sleep tonight.

I wake up early the next morning, still groggy. I groan, remember what I had coming for me. I slowly get changed, putting on some extra thick sweatpants, hoping there's a chance Alex might not make me pull my pants down. Then I instead decide to put on shorts instead, because sometimes if I'm wearing shorts, Alex doesn't ask me to pull them down. This spanking will be hell either way.

I anxiously leave my room. Before I go downstairs, I tiptoe to Emma's and softly knock on her door. I was still mad at her about last night, but I wanted to see if she had went downstairs already. She opens it, looking just as nervous as I did.

"Should we go downstairs?" She asks in a whisper, and I shrug. "Probably. If one of them comes up here and finds us awake, they'll be mad we didn't come downstairs." I point out, and she nods.

"I'm sorry for last night, by the way." She mumbles as we go downstairs. "I know you tried to get back as fast as you could."

"It's okay," I say. "But how did you get home if you didn't walk?" I ask.
"I was walking back to Nick's house when Liam and Aiden found me when they were driving around looking for you. Then they picked me up and we came home." She tells me hurriedly.
"Okay," I mumble, too worried about my punishment to think about anything else.

We walk in to the living room, to see Alex sitting on the couch.

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