Chapter 8: memories

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After a few seconds, I heard Alex coming back and I felt him gently keeping a box in my hand, and I opened my eyes. As soon as I saw the shape of the box I knew what it was! A laptop!

"Holy shit, is this a laptop?! For me?" I gasped gently opening the gift wrap.

Before anyone could answer me, I felt a sharp smack on my behind.

"Ow!" I shrieked, protecting my butt with one hand, and carefully holding my new MacBook with the other.

It was Noah. "Emma! Language!" He scolded.

"Sorry sorry" I muttered, not minding much because I was so excited about the laptop.

Liam grinned. "Yep, it is for you. You need one for school, and we wanted to get you one anyway."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said joyfully, attacking Alex with a hug, figuring he was the one who bought it for me.

He chuckled softly. "I'm glad you like it, Emma, we got it in your favourite colour too."

I beamed at him. "Can I set it up now?"
" Of course you can"

I sat down on the soft carpet and continued to slowly unwrap my gift.

About 20 minutes later I was done setting it up, and I was exploring it. Aiden was in the library, doing an assignment. Noah was in the gym, and Liam was in his room, while Alex was sitting with me, watching TV and helping me set my MacBook up.

"It's so amazing, I can't wait to show-" Then it hit me, I had completely forgotten to text Daisy or any of my friends, I had been so busy yesterday and today.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked me, looking at me puzzled.
I didn't wanna tell him because it would sound like an excuse to ask for my phone back, so I said it was nothing.

"It's not Nothing, you look so upset, what's wrong?" He said pausing the movie he was watching.

I sighed. "It's nothing, I promised Daisy I would message her as soon as I got here, but I was super busy yesterday and I went to the shops this morning, so I didn't have a chance to text her, or my friends" I explained sadly. "And I didn't wanna tell you to cause it would seem like an excuse to ask for my phone back"

"Aw honey, it's okay I'm sure she will understand that you were too busy yesterday, and I was going to give your phone back to you now anyway, so here you go" he said, handing my phone back to me.

"Oh my, thank you, Alex!" I said, trying to take my phone back from him.

"But" he started, with a firm grip on my phone. "If your phone is not in my hand as soon as I come Into your room at 10:30, you won't be seeing your phone or your laptop for at least a week. Do you understand?" He threatened me.

"Yes, I understand," I said, rolling my eyes internally.
I immediately opened Snapchat and messaged Daisy, apologising for not messaging her sooner, she had texted me about 20 times.

She responded immediately and luckily she forgave me, and we talked for a while until Noah called us for lunch.

I ate pretty quickly because I wanted to text my friends and show them my new room, and all my new stuff.

My best friend back home was a girl named Maya, we were best friends since the second grade, we'd gone through everything together, so it's understandable why I didn't wanna come here.

As soon as I texted her, she called me and we talked for 2 hours, then Noah came in and chided me for being on my phone for so long, so he told me to go outside and get some fresh air.

"Can I go to the park or something?" I didn't wanna be all by myself outside, plus I remember loving the park here. When me and my mom used to come here for the holidays, I spent a lot of time there, so I wanted to see it again, for nostalgic purposes.

"Alright I'll come with you, grab a sweater, it's cold," Noah said checking his watch.

After we reached there, it was, well anti-climactic, to say the least. It was much less magical than I remembered.

"Come on cheer up, how about we go get a milkshake from that place over there?" Noah asked, nudging my shoulder. I agreed, so then we went. I ordered a Neapolitan one, and Noah ordered a blueberry cheesecake-flavoured one.

We slowly drank them and they were delicious, I was definitely coming here again.
When we were walking back home, Noah asked me "So how was your old school like? I know this fancy private school is a big change for you"

"Well, I can't compare it of course since I haven't been at the new school yet, but I loved my old school. I met my best friend, Maya there, and a lot of my other friends, we were all like a group since the third grade, so I wasn't really happy to move. I stayed at Maya's house for 3 days when I found out I was coming here." I said softly.

"Aw em, I'm sorry you had to leave, especially after being there for practically your whole life. Since our parents divorced a few months after you were born, that's why we want to make you welcome here, so you miss your old place a little less." Noah replied gently, putting his arm around me.

"Well you guys are doing a great job at making me feel welcome, I feel like I've been here forever, even though it's only been a couple of days," I said smiling at him.

He smiled back at me fondly. I'm glad you are"

Just then we reached home and I ran upstairs and plopped on my bed. I grabbed my shopping bag, which had my uniforms in it and I tipped everything on top of my bed, so I could sort it out.

Just then I heard Aiden calling me so I rushed downstairs.

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