Chapter 28: party

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I glared at him fiercely, then pulled him into my room.

"Are you stupid? Why'd you ask me in the hallway where our brothers can clearly hear us?"

He rolled his eyes. "That doesn't matter, you didn't answer the question" he asked me, arms crossed over his chest with a brow raised.

I threw my arms up in the air. "Fine, yes I'm going. How'd you figure it out?"

"Me and Noah were in the game room when Alex came and told him. And I'm not daft, as soon as he said that you suddenly wanted to go to Holly's house, I realised it was Jamie's party you were telling me bout earlier" he explained.

"Oh," I sigh and sit on my bed, tossing my duffel bag on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm going. But I wasn't lying about Holly's house, I'll go to her house, and then we'll go to the party together."

Cole didn't say anything. He looked like he didn't know what to say, so I broke the silence.

"Please don't tell Alex. It's only a few people at the party, and I'll go back to Holly's house once it's over"

"Alright, but are you sure you won't get caught? Alex Will absolutely destroy you if you get caught" he told me, running his hand through his hair.

"I already got Holly's sister to talk to Alex pretending she's their mom, and Alex bought it. I'm sure it'll be fine" I reassure him. "And technically, I'm not lying. It's still a sleepover at Holly's house"

He sighs. "Suit yourself. Be safe, and don't expect me to cover for you if you get caught though, I'm going to pretend like I had no idea"

I agree with his statement and he leaves my room. I put on the outfit that I chose earlier and grab my bag to downstairs.

Alex was at the bottom of the stairs.

"Be good, okay? Have fun sweetie" he said, hugging me and planting a kiss on my forehead.
I smiled at him and told him I'd be good. Yikes, the guilt was piercing through me.

Liam was standing by the door. "Ready to go?" He asked me.
I nod and he opened the door.

"Wait," Noah said, quickly coming down the stairs, towards us.

He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Be good, don't trouble her parents. If we get a single complaint about your behaviour from then, you'll be in extreme trouble with us. Since it's late, don't leave their house, unless her mom or dad are supervising. If you break any of these rules, you'll know how you'll be punished. Am I understood?" He lectures me sternly.

Great, there goes me "technically not lying"

I give him a cheesy grin. "I understand"
Cole was on the couch, and he gives me a disapproving look, but I ignore him.

He softens his expression and pulls me into a hug. "Go say bye to Aiden, okay?"
Why was he acting like I was leaving for a trip or something?
I nod and leave to find them, which, considering the size of our mansion usually takes forever.

I luckily found Aiden on my first try, In the library.
"Hey Emma, you need anything?" He asks me, shutting his book.
I walk towards him. "I was about to leave to go to Holly's but Noah told me to say bye to you"
He chucked. "Oh okay, have fun, be good," he says.

We talk a minute more and I go downstairs and get in the limo.
"So what are you girls planning to do?" Liam asks me.

"Uhm" I start nervously. "Nothing much honestly, we're just gonna talk, maybe watch a movie, do face masks, that sorta thing" I lie nervously.

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