Chapter 7: shopping

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We went to the kitchen and I saw Aiden eating pancakes.
"Morning em," he said mouthful of pancake.
I greet him back and sat next to him.
"Alright Emma what do you wanna eat, you can have anything you want"Alex asked me, leaning against the wall.

"Anything? Uhm how about waffles?"
"Okay waffles it is then, how many and what toppings?
"Hmm, could I have 2 with whipped cream and chocolate chips?"
"Of course you can. Let me go tell the chef" Alex said as he disappeared into the kitchen.

"Aiden, Wheres Liam? He's meant to take me stationery shopping"
"Unless I'm not going" I add quietly, but Aiden still heard.

"Why wouldn't you be going?" He asked me, but I shook my head.
He smirked. "Because you got spanked last night?"

I turned bright red. "Wh-how'd you know?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" he said winking at me and stuffing another forkful of pancakes into his mouth.

After he finished his bite, he grinned. "Just kidding, Alex told us. And no you're still going shopping, your bad behaviour was already dealt with, why would you need a second punishment? We aren't that mean" he said finishing off his pancakes.

"I don't know, I thought I didn't deserve new stationery after what I said" I mumbled putting my head down.

"Hey, love, you deserve everything. You're a wonderful little girl, you just need guidance like all kids. Never say you don't deserve something, alright?"

I smiled at Aiden and hugged him as he just got off his stool. "You're my favourite brother now," I said to him stuffing my face In his shirt.

"Hey, rude, I heard that" I heard Liam say. I smiled sheepishly at him. "Don't worry big bro I still want you to take me shopping" he grinned at me evilly and slowly approached me, "alright but if you want me to take you shopping I need to do something first"

"What do you need to do?"I asked still confused, then he ran up to me and grabbed me. "I don't know, tickle you?" He grinned and started tickling me, I tried to get away but Aiden trapped me so I had nowhere to go, I couldn't stop laughing, he wouldn't stop tickling me!

He finally let me go when my breakfast came and he pulled me close and ruffled my hair.

"What was the unnecessary tickle attack for huh?" I asked him backing away, scared he would tickle me more.

"For calling Aiden your favourite brother, I didn't realise I was that easily replaceable," he said dramatically.

I giggled and went to sit.

I finished my waffles and me and Liam went outside and got in the limo. We passed by the school and oh my god was it huge! We didn't stop there though, right next to the school there was a shop and that's where we got down.

We went inside, and even the shop seemed posh, it had a bunch of pretty backpacks with the school logo, and there were a few designs.
"Which one do you want?" Liam asked me.

"Uhh, I think that one, it's pretty." He got it down for me and I held it. It was a white and navy blue bag, the school's colours, and it had a pretty silver finish. After I got my bag we went to the uniform section and the lady welcome us and showed us the uniforms.

"We have a standard uniform, then we have a winter uniform, we have a sports uniform and then we have hoodies, sweaters, hats and socks over here." She showed us.

She gave me the "standard uniform" which looked my size and she showed me the changing room, and it fit perfectly. It was pretty basic, but it was nice. It was a white button-up shirt, a blazer and a navy blue skirt.

I changed back into my usual clothes and I went back outside and told Liam it fit, so we took the other uniforms as well the same size. The winter uniform was a thicker, full-sleeved white shirt with blue pants.

The sports uniform was blue shorts and a white T-shirt. We took the school hoodie, it was a navy blue one with the school logo on the front, a sweater, some socks and another pair of winter and summer uniforms, as well as a pair of black and white shoes.

The lady handed Liam a cart to keep our things, then we went to the stationary section.
I'm in grade 9 so I grabbed the textbooks and notebooks I needed, according to the sheet they gave me, as well as the school lunch box and water bottle. After that, we paid and left the store, and I was excited to go buy some cute stationery.

Once we got there I was in awe, there was so much stationary!

Liam grabbed a cart and told me to get whatever I wanted, and that is what I did.
I bought a lot of cute pens, pencils, pencil toppers, sharpeners, erasers, some cute highlighters, some Post-it notes, washi tape, a calculator, a pretty pink narwhal stapler, a big sparkly binder, some paper clips, an adorable boba pencil case, a whitener, a small notepad, some pretty keychains and finally a pretty pink glittery notebook.

"Can I get all this?" I asked Liam giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
He scanned the items and agreed.

After we paid, Liam and the driver put the bags in the trunk and then we headed home.
On the way, a wave of guilt washed over me. "Liam, did I ask for too much, what if Alex tells me off, and this was a lot of money, is that okay?" I asked him.

He smiled at me, "Don't worry love you didn't ask for too much. You're our little sister, we wanna spoil you. Plus it's just stationary and I know how much you love it, and Alex won't tell you off okay? He's the one who told you to buy anything you wanted didn't he?"

"I guess" I mumble.
He smirked. "Don't worry, if he says anything, he'll have to answer to me, okay?"
I smile at him and nod.

A few minutes later, we arrived home.

"We have another surprise for you," Liam said, unbuckling his seatbelt.
"What is it," I asked curiously, getting out of the car.

"Love, it won't be a surprise if I tell you what it is. Just be patient"
Yeah no, I'm not a patient person. We went inside and I showed everyone what I got, and at the end, they were all smiling at me.

"What are you guys smiling for?" I asked
Noah chuckled, "It's adorable seeing you get so excited over some school supplies, it makes us happy"

Alex nodded. "I have another thing which I think will also make you happy, close your eyes"
I excitedly closed my eyes, this was the surprise Liam was talking about!

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