Chapter 38: surprise?

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"And who said you could invite her over?" Noah questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

I could see the confidence drain out of aidens face. "Uh, can I invite her over?" He asks meekly.

"Ask Alex" Noah says bluntly, shrugging.

Aiden glared at him, but Noah glared right back. "You know the rules in this house, if you want to invite someone over, you have to ask permission from Alex. Just because you're older than than Cole and Emma doesn't mean you're exempt from the rules, know your place." Noah said, walking towards him.

Aiden didn't argue, instead he apologised and went downstairs, I'm assuming to ask Alex.
Noah shook his head and headed to his room.

"Does she really have to come?" I whine, leaning against the wall.
"Why do you dislike her so much?" Liam asked me.

"He takes up all of her time, that's why" I muttered angrily.

"Well that's his fault for choosing to spend so much time with her, isn't it?" He asks me.

"Still, if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't even need to choose." I say, and Liam nods in response.

"And why do you want me to like her, it won't make a difference if I don't like her" I say, not knowing why no one would agree with me about Chloe.

"Yes, but remember when you got in trouble last time for being so rude to Chloe? If you continue to hold such resentment towards her, there's a high chance you'll end up being rude to her, and getting into trouble" he reasons with me.

I sigh. "I guess you're right" I mutter.

He smiles and ruffles my hair. What's the point of doing my hair if they keep ruining it every time we talk?

Annoyed, I flattened my hair, glaring at him, but he just chuckled and pinched my cheek.
"Your attempt at glaring is so cute" he says.

I wanna glare at him some more, but aiden comes back up the stairs.

"Chloe's coming for dinner!" He announces for the second time tonight.
I inwardly roll my eyes as I head into my room. I stay there for a while, bored, until Cole comes into my room telling me that Chloe arrived and dinners ready.

I sigh and we both head downstairs and we walk into the living room, to see Aiden greeting Chloe with a very passionate kiss. Gross.

Me and Cole simultaneously made gagging sounds as we avoided them and headed to the dining room. Alex was in the kitchen, talking to the cook while Noah and Liam set the table.

"Hey guys, mind helping us a bit?" Liam asks us.

"Sure" I say, as we help them place the plates, the cutlery and the name cards. Noah hands me another name card, only to see Chloe's name on it. I furrowed my eyebrows, as Cole looks over my shoulder to see it too.

"Since when does Chloe have a name card?" Cole asked, just as confused as I was.
Noah sighed. "Aiden insisted on getting one" of course he did

Cole rolled his eyes and tossed the name card in front of her plate.
Noah shot him a glare, but didn't say anything. We were all done setting the table, and I could smell the delicious food being cooked.

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