Chapter 13: hairbrush

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Emma's POV
I felt Noah finally stop the assault on my ass, and I breathed a sigh of relief, but I was still crying heavily.

I tried to get up but I felt Noah push me back down, then I remembered that he said he'd smack me with the hairbrush.

"Did I tell you to get up? I'm not done, I'm gonna spank you with your hairbrush for swearing and shouting at me" He told me.

I blubbered something to him, still crying, because my ass hurt like hell, and I still had more to come.

Luckily he let me calm down and rubbed his thumb up and down my back soothingly.
Then He picked the hairbrush up and rested it on my sore butt, which in itself made me wince slightly.

Whack! The first smack fell, and it took me completely by surprise. It hurt like I could have never imagined, it stung so bad!

I shirked loudly and started crying more. It hurt so bad, my butt was already sore, and the hairbrush made it worse. "Please Noah no more, I won't do it again, I promise!" I pleaded with him, even though I knew it was pointless.

"You will be sorry, once I'm done with you" he said simply, and landed the wicked hairbrush on my butt again, and again.

The swats kept on coming, and they hurt way more than his hand, and I was crying a waterfall at this point, kicking my legs and crying loudly. But that didn't affect Noah, If anything, he was smacking me harder.

Narrators POV
"Never whack! talk whack! To me whack! Like whack! That whack! Again! whack! whack! whack!" He scolded Emma fiercely, finally putting the hairbrush down.

He lifted her off his lap slightly, pulled her jeans back up, and then let her stay there right on his lap.

She was a mess, still crying, more than earlier as the last whacks he gave her were the hardest. She kept on blubbering apologies.

"Sh sh love, it's alright, calm down. It's all over now, all's forgiven, shh" Noah cooed softly, with Emma still lying limp on his lap.

He rubbed her back softly and picked her up to sit on his lap, her butt between his legs, so as not to hurt her. He felt horrible for having to spank her that hard, but she had left him no choice, especially being as mouthy as she was.

She was still crying, much less now and Noah held her in his arms cuddling her to calm her.
He was sitting on a revolving chair, so when he spun a bit, Emma opened her eyes and got a look at herself in the mirror, she looked like a mess, eyes puffy and tear-stained.

Noah also noticed and spoke up softly. "Come on Emmy, let's get you cleaned up." He said, picking her up softly, and heading to her bathroom. Her cries had died down to sniffles now as she felt slightly better.

He carried her to her bathroom and stood her in front of her mirror. He took a washcloth and ran it under hot water and cleaned Emma's face with it.

"There, now come on let's go downstairs and get you some lunch, okay?" He asked her, stroking her cheek gently.

"Okay" she mumbled, and they went downstairs. Emma was praying that none of her brothers were there. When they reached the bottom of the stairs she quickly scanned the room to make sure no one was there, and luckily there wasn't.
She followed Noah to the kitchen and sat on the stool, wincing immediately because her butt was still incredibly sore.

He chuckled and then bought them some spaghetti, and that's when she remembered he hadn't eaten either. He sat down too and gave Emma her plate. He noticed her squirming, so he offered to go eat by the sofa, which she readily agreed to.

While they were eating, she spoke up.
"Uhm Noah, can I ask you something?" She asked him.

"Sure, what's up em?" He asked, looking up from his plate.

"When you sent me to the corner earlier and you went downstairs, what was that for?" She asked him meekly, not knowing if she wanted to hear the answer or not.

"Well, I wanted to let Alex know we'd be late to lunch, and I wanted to let him know what you'd done. I also wanted to confirm with him about using the hairbrush."

She turned red as a tomato, embarrassed, knowing that all her brothers probably heard the conversation.

After completing their lunch, Emma went straight to her room and got in bed. She was tired, In pain, and embarrassed so she wanted to sleep. Just before she could fall asleep, she heard her doorknob turn. She looked over and it was Alex.

"Hey love, just wanted to check In on you." He said quietly, walking up to my bed and sitting beside me. "I'm not here to tell you off, I'm pretty sure Noah took care of that. I just wanted to tell you that you don't need to be embarrassed. You've been punished, and it's over, we don't need to talk about it again, okay? I can assure you, none of us will." He told her softly, stroking her hair.

"Are you sure? Well, that makes me feel better." Emma responded, turning around in her bed, to face him.

He smiled at her. "I thought it would, that's why I came to tell you." He noticed her sleepy face and got off her bed. "I'll let you sleep now, sleep well love," he said leaving her room.

"Wait!" She protested before he left.
"What's wrong?" He asked, raising a brow.
"Can you lie next to me please?" She asked him hopefully.

He chuckled, "of course I can" he replied, walking back to her bed, he lay next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Love you Alex" she mumbled, before drifting off to sleep.

He smiled at her lovingly before replying. "Love you too em"

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