Chapter 6: first time

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Emmas POV
"Excuse me? You did not just say that to me" Alex snarled, crouching down to my bed, glaring at me furiously.

"You are in for it little girl" he growled sitting on my bed and throwing me over his lap.
I guess this is when I realised I fucked up. bad.

"No please don't spank me, I'll give you my phone please don't spank me" I pleaded with my oldest brother.

"Yes you are going to give me your phone and you're not getting it back until I think you deserve it" he said and bent over to my bedside table and pocketed my phone.

I was too scared to even say anything I didn't even care if he took my phone, as long as he didn't spank me.

"But you are still getting your little butt whooped," he said, his voice still furious.

"I gave you so many chances to give me your phone, I was even gonna let you off until you cussed at me," he said exasperated, I was too stunned to speak.

"But since you blew away all your chances, swore and screamed at me when we specifically told you not too many times, you're over my knee" he claimed coldly.

"I didn't want to spank you this soon, especially not on your first day here but you are practically asking for it!"

He rested his hand on my butt. I wanted to cry already, those three swats from earlier had hurt so bad, how much would this hurt?

He put his leg over mine to secure me and he had one hand on my back holding me, and another on my butt.

*smack!* the first one fell.

"Ouch!" I shrieked, that had hurt way more than the ones he had given me at lunch.

I threw my poor hand back on my butt in an attempt to shield it, but Alex grabbed it and held it against the small of my back.

"Don't reach back unless you want your hands smacked too" he scolded.
Then he started to lecture me.

"I smack! smack! gave you so many chances smack! to give smack! your smack! phone to me smack! smack! and instead of listening to me like smack! smack! I smack! asked, you smack! decide to smack! to smack! be a little smack! brat smack! smack! and smack! ignore me! smack! smack! smack!"

After the 7th swat, it really started to sting and I couldn't help but start to cry, I was fidgeting, kicking my legs and asking him to stop, but he kept on spanking me between his words.

After he was done lecturing me he stopped for a second and I thought it was over but he kept on spanking me! It was starting to sting even more, his heavy hand kept falling on my poor butt and I just continued to cry as he started to lecture me again.

"How smack smack dare you swear smack smack smack at me when you were already In smack smack trouble smack smack smack I had already smack told you I would smack take your phone smack but yet you smack still smack argue with me!"

I kept on crying and wiggling, I didn't think it would hurt this much, I thought it would be a few swats!

He finally stopped at that and I was still crying.
He let my hand go and he softly ran his finger up and down my spine to calm me down.
I stopped crying quickly, and he picked me up and stood me between his legs.

The expression on his face had softened but I didn't wanna look at him, I was too ashamed.
"Have you learnt your lesson?" He asked me softly.

I just nodded meekly at him, I tried to rub my butt but he grabbed my wrists and made me look at him.

"I'm sorry I had to spank you but your behaviour was atrocious, do you promise not to do that again?" He questioned me softly.

"I'm sorry I won't do it again I'm sorry" I said-more like blubbered, but he seemed to understand me because his face softened even more and he pulled me in for a hug, then he lifted me so I was on his lap.

I had stopped crying by then but I still needed comfort so he held me there.
After a few minutes, he stood up still carrying me, and he put me in my bed and tucked me in.

"Good night Emma, love you" he whispered, planting a kiss on my forehead, and then I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, the pain of the spanking had subsided mostly, but I was still ashamed and embarrassed especially after my brother had to cradle me when I was crying like I was a baby.

I got up and reached for my phone when I realised it was with Alex and he said he wouldn't give it back until I "deserved it"

I glanced at my alarm clock. 8:43 it read. Guess I need to get ready.

Gosh, why was I so stupid? I could have just given him my phone and none of this would have happened.

I groaned and got out of bed, I grabbed some clothes, a pair of jeans and a top, and slid into my bathroom.

I was still in awe that this was all mine! I had a beautiful large shower which I would happily stay in for hours. I showered, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and put some moisturiser on my face, and stepped out of my bathroom.

I got dressed, then sheepishly went downstairs not wanting to see my oldest brother.
But there he was, on the sofa working on his laptop.

I tried to sneak past him to head to the kitchen to grab some breakfast, but unfortunately, he stopped me.

"Morning em, how'd you sleep," he asked me smiling.

I smiled back. "Amazing, I love my new bed, and my bathroom..thanks again"

"You don't need to thank me, love, you're family, you deserve it," he said tapping the seat next to him for me to sit.

I ran to him and plopped myself next to him, as he put his hand over my shoulder pulling me closer. I had met him only yesterday after forever, but it felt like I'd been living here my whole life. I belonged here.

I was leaning on him for a few minutes, then he glanced at me. "Oh silly you haven't had breakfast yet, come on" he said getting up and giving me his hand.

A Chill went down my spine as that was the exact way he extended his hand last night, but instead of cussing him out last night, I took his hand as he led me to the kitchen.

Authors note: hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying the story, and if you are, please don't be a silent reader! Vote for the chapter and I am open to any sorts of suggestions, criticisms, or ideas, so don't be shy to comment! I can't wait to read them <3

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