Chapter 3: meeting

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Emma finally arrived, she got off the plane and scanned the big crowd looking for her brothers.

Just before she left her aunt sent her a picture of all 5 of them, so Emma could recognise them as they weren't in touch at all before. There were 5 of them, Alex, Noah, Liam, Aiden and Cole.

"Wow, they look intimidating," she said when she saw the picture at the time, her aunt then claimed "They might look intimidating but they are sweethearts" Emma took that as "they are big pushovers who'll let you do whatever you want"

After looking for not more than a minute, she saw 4 boys coming towards her, smiling. She recognised them from the photo, they were her brothers!

Even though she wasn't too keen on moving she was excited to see her brothers after so many years, but she was also incredibly nervous.

The oldest of the men came forward and embraced her. "Welcome Emma, we're so glad you're here, we've been waiting so long to meet you, darling"

She was surprised by the warm embrace and immediately hugged him back tightly, though she didn't know what to say, so she stayed silent.

The man let go of her and introduced himself, and the others.

"I'm not sure if you remember us too well, so I'm Alex, I'm your oldest brother"

The man next to him then also stepped forward and hugged her warmly. "I'm Noah, your second oldest brother, again we are so happy to see you, we promise we'll always be with you, and we'll never leave"

Emma's heart filled with joy hearing him say that, her aunt was right, her brothers did want her!

The person next to Noah stepped forward and gave Emma a short hug. He smiled and extended his hand saying "I'm Liam, the third oldest, glad to have you back little sis." She smiled warmly at him. She felt at home already.

The last boy who was next to Alex, came forward and gave Emma a big bear hug. "I'm Aiden, the fourth oldest, we're so happy to have you back, welcome to the family"

She smiled at them and thanked them for welcoming her. She noticed how tall they all were even though she was 5"5. "Geez, you guys are tall"

They all laughed as they ushered her outside to their limo. "Wow, you have a limo?" She asked looking wide-eyed as if she'd never seen a limo before.

"No we have a limo" Liam said winking at her.

She smiled, feeling included and she hopped in, she noticed that they had a driver. "Damn, these guys are rich!" She thought to herself.

"Uhm" Emma started hesitantly. "Don't I have a fifth brother? Cole? He was in the photo"

"Oh yes you do, sorry we forgot to tell you, he's at summer camp and he'll come in a few days, he's also excited to see you," Liam told me.

"Oh okay, I'm excited to meet him," I said, glad I wasn't imagining things, as I had a lot of memories about Cole. My mom wanted to take him with us as well but for some reason, he stayed with my dad.

The driver started the car and they were off to their house. Well, their mansion. "So" Emma started, "how old are you guys?"Alex, who was next to the driver turned around, "Well as you know I'm the oldest, I'm-" But Emma cut him off. "I know you're the oldest" she snarked, rolling her eyes. "I asked how old you all are"

Alex glared at her fiercely which caused her to shrink back In her seat.

"Don't interrupt me while I'm talking," he said sternly. "Don't roll your eyes at me either, or any of us, it's incredibly rude"

Emma was surprised that he chided her for something so small and insignificant as eye-rolling, she found it unnecessary and strange after living with her lenient aunt and uncle. "Why can't I roll my eyes? It's not even that rude, geez" she retorted.

Alex looked at her fiercely. "First of all don't talk back to me, and second I already told you why you can't roll your eyes, it's disrespectful and rude and none of us will tolerate it, understood?" He scolded her sternly.

Emma felt embarrassed as she hadn't been scolded for something so insignificant to her before, "Sorry" she muttered.

"Oh and to answer your question" Noah began, and Emma turned her head towards him. "Alex is 28, I'm 26, Liam is 23, Aiden is 19, and Cole is 16."

"Oh wow you guys are old" Emma retorted.
"Hey, we aren't that old!" Aiden said, pretending to be deeply offended.

Emma giggled. "I know but you're old compared to me, I'm only 13"
"Oh yeah you're a baby" Liam chimed in teasing her.

"Hey, I'm no baby!" Emma was about to continue her protest but at that moment they pulled up to their mansion and her jaw dropped.

"I-is that our house? It's huge!" She exclaimed, stepping out.
Alex smiled, ruffling her hair, "Yep, nice isn't it?"

"Yeah," she murmured still in awe. "I don't remember this mansion at all"

"Of course you don't, it was only built a few years ago so you've never seen it," Liam stated ushering her inside, as she was glued to her spot.

They entered the mansion, and boy was it huge! Noah took her suitcases and went upstairs. Emma was surprised, those bags were heavy as hell, how is he carrying them so easily?

Her thoughts were interrupted by Aiden, who took her arm. "Come on I'll show you the house, Alex is arranging us lunch.

"It's fine, I'm not that hungry I'll just eat dinner" Emma replied to her brother casually.
"Uh what do you mean you'll not eat lunch, you can't skip a meal!" Aiden said exasperated.

Emma rolled her eyes again, not taking Alex's warning from earlier seriously.

" It's not a big deal, I skip meals all the time if I don't feel like eating I won't, you can't make
me" she retorted.

Liam chuckled. " well not in this house, you will eat all 3 meals, no exceptions, it's unhealthy to skip meals Emma" he chided.

"And what did Alex tell you about the eye-rolling, he was serious you know, it's rude and we won't tolerate it," Aiden added glaring at her just like Alex did earlier.

"Fine I'll stop with the eye-rolling, sorry, but you can't make me eat when I don't want to!" She said raising her voice.

Liam was about to reply but just then Noah came down the stairs. "Emma, don't raise your voice, and what's going on?"

"Emma is trying to skip lunch and claiming we can't make her eat if she doesn't want to, very rudely too" Liam replied glaring at her.

Noah narrowed his eyes at her. "Little girl we don't tolerate rudeness in this house, next time we see it you will be punished, you've had enough warnings." He said coldly walking towards her. "And you will eat 3 meals a day, we won't force you to eat a lot, you can eat as much as you want, but you shan't skip meals, alright?" He said sternly.

Emma gulped. "Okay they aren't fooling around," she thought to herself. She felt ashamed that she had been scolded by all of her brothers, especially after only an hour of meeting them, and as much as she wanted to remark, she didn't, instead, she bit her tongue and apologised.

Noah didn't drop his glare, his expression was still stern.

"Seems like we need to talk about a few things, we'll discuss it over lunch," he said looking down at her.

"Okay, I'm sorry" she replied sheepishly. She wasn't used to people telling her off, and she certainly wasn't used to her accepting it.

He finally softened his expression and smiled. "Liam and Aiden will show you around, I can't wait for you to see your room, I hope you like it" he said tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear.

Aiden took her hand. "Come on sis we need to show you before it's time for lunch"

So the three went down the huge corridor.

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