Chapter 33: lies

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"U-uhm" I say as I try to hide that I was using a phone, but it was too late.

"You skipped class to go on your phone Emma? That's absolutely unacceptable!" Mrs Harris yelled, snatching the phone out of my hand.

"Wha- how did you know?" I ask. I know this school is strict, but do they really track down students who skip? Well no, because I see my classmates get away with it all the time!

She sighed. "After my class, I had realised you left, but I was still busy. So I decided to find you after the next period. I come out and saw holly, so I asked her what your next period was. She told me it was history so I went to your history teacher. And guess what he told me?" She asked me angrily, putting her hands on her hips.

"That I wasn't there?" I say nervously.
She purses her lips and nods. "Exactly."
"What do you have to say for yourself young lady?" She asks me, tapping her foot on the floor impatiently.

She sighs at my lack of my response. "Mr Clark, you may leave, I think I can handle this" she dismisses him.

I'm panicking. If I get detention, even if he doesn't spank me, Alex will definitely keep my phone away from me even longer, especially because that's the reason I'm in trouble.
But what can I say to get out of this mess? I could lie, but if Alex finds out I'll be in deep trouble. Okay, a little white lie won't hurt anyone, right?

"I'm sorry, it's just that, one of my brothers is really sick. I'm really worried about him, so I decided to text him." I lie.

She raises a brow. "I'm sorry that he's sick, but that's still no excuse to walk out of my class after I asked you to stay, and then skip your next! I'm sorry, but I'll have to give you detention." She told me, sighing.

She goes to the front desk of the library and grabs a slip, scribbles on it then hands It to me.
She smiles softly. "You can serve your detention in a couple days, since your brother is sick" she says.

I felt a twinge of guilt, but I brushed it off. "Thank you"
I was about to leave then I realise that Holly's phone is with the teacher.

"Uhm, could I have the phone back?" I ask nervously, knowing well she wouldn't give it back.

"I already let you keep it after you used it in class earlier, you have some nerve to ask for it back when you skipped a class to use it!" She scolded.

"Okay, I'm sorry" I mutter.

She sighs. "I wanted to warn you earlier to behave. I had to call you multiple times in my class because you were being a disturbance. I don't want to separate you and Holly, so I'm telling you now, please behave"

I apologise to her and head out of the library empty handed. Well, with a stupid detention slip.
I went to my locker to grab my books for my next class where I saw Cole.

"Did you get in trouble with a teacher or something?" He questioned me as soon as I got there.
I rolled my eyes. "Does everyone know or something?"

"No, I heard Mrs harris ask Holly where you are, and she didn't seem happy" he said.
"Yeah, I sort of left class even after she told me to stay back, then I skipped my next class"

"Well you're screwed" he says as he laughs and shuts his locker.
"I know, Alex is not gonna be happy. Especially after he sees what I got in trouble for" I say, as I check what was written.

Constantly talking in class, texting in class, disobeying teachers orders, cellphone.

"He's definitely not gonna be happy" Cole mutters, reading it.
I sigh. "How come you always manage to stay out of trouble?"

"I'm not sure why you get in so much trouble" he replies.

We part ways, and I leave to my next class. Holly wasn't in this class, but Katherine was.
"Hey em! You didn't reply to my texts after the party, you good?" She asked me, as I sat beside her.

"Well, my brothers caught me, so I got my phone taken away" I explain to her.
"Sheesh, that sucks" she says. "How bout you come to my place today, we can hang out!" She suggested.

I shake my head sadly. "No way they'll let me go to a friends house yet, especially after I got detention again" I tell her. I explained to her what happened and she sympathised with me.

I feel bad for myself too. My butt is still sore, and I usually manage to stay out of trouble after I get punished, but not today. If only Jamie came today.

Next period rolls around, and it's with Holly.
I go to our class, and she's not there yet so I take a seat. How was I going to explain to her that her phone was with her teacher?

A minute later, she walked in. She came and sat beside me and I immediately cut to the chase.
"Holl, I'm so sorry, I skipped class and Mrs Harris caught me and took your phone. I'm sorry" I tell her.

She was visibly upset, she was about to respond, but just then the teacher came in and called me.

"Emma, Ms Jenkins is calling you" he says.
I'm immediately worried. What did I do now? I gave Holly an apologetic look and I quickly leave. Mr Johnson told me where she was.

I nervously walked to the classroom she was in, and I froze dead in my tracks when I saw Noah sitting by her table, with them talking.

"Ah Emma, you're here, come in please" she beckoned me.
I nervously shuffled inside the classroom.

"Sorry to disturb you while you were in class, but there were a few more papers you and your guardian needed to sign" she tells me.
Internally I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Where's Alex?" I ask Noah, confused.
"He had to go out, so that's why I came" he told me.

"Okay Emma, you just need to sign here and you are free to go" Mrs Jenkins says, as she slides a piece of paper towards me. I scribble my signature on the paper. She quickly looks over the few pieces of paper she had in her hand.

"Okay emma you can go back to class, and Mr. Smith, thank you for coming" she says as my brother gets up and smiles at her.

"Oh and I'm sorry about your brother, I hope he gets well soon" she says, and I freeze.
"Uh what?" Noah asks her, raising a brow.

"Emma told Mrs Harris that her brother was sick? She just informed me" she replied.

Authors note: Thank you everyone so much for 1000+ votes, and 60 followers!
thank you for viewing, voting, commenting or following! You guys have no idea how much this means to me! I hope you continue to read my story <3 have a good day, love y'all!

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