Chapter 54: megan

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Dinner was honestly extremely awkward. Alex tried to make it up to me by having the chef cook my favourite, extremely elaborate meal. And even though I enjoyed it, I was thoroughly uncomfortable while eating it, and every time I squirmed, Noah and Alex, both looked more and more upset. Cole was mad at them too, so he was also quiet. Because of the tension between all of us, Aiden and Liam were silent too.

"Ya know we can use their guilt to our advantage right?" Cole asked me as we walked up the stairs.

I scoffed. "You mean, my advantage? They didn't spank the crap outta you for no reason"

I smile to myself. I and Jamie have been planning to go to the movies, and now Alex would definitely say yes. Alex didn't even take my phone and laptop before I went to bed. He must feel really guilty.

The next morning I immediately woke up to my alarm, not wanting either Alex or Noah coming to wake me up. I do the usual and get ready.

I go downstairs and Alex gives me a small smile and wishes me a good morning. I don't smile back at him, but I still say good morning. I'm not in the mood for anything heavy, so I ask the chef to make me a smoothie instead.

While I'm having my smoothie, Liam comes downstairs.
"Morning kid," he says, kissing my forehead and grabbing an energy drink from our fridge.
I smile at him. "Morning Liam," I say back. I sneak a glance at Alex and he looks hurt.

Am I evil for wanting him to be upset? Noah was in the gym as usual, so I luckily didn't see him. After Cole came downstairs, he had some waffles and berries, then we got going to school.

"You feeling any better?" Cole asks me as we're walking into school.
"A bit. The school chairs are gonna be awful though" I groan, and he stifles a laugh.

We part ways and head to our classes. I was honestly nervous to see Catherine today. I told both Holly and Isabelle what had happened, and they were both furious, so I was glad that they were on my side.

I had none of my close friends in my first class, so that was a complete bummer. I sat with this girl called Megan, she was sweet but she didn't like talking much. So I spaced out and tried not to fidget as Mr Mathews rambled on and on about something.

After an eternity, the bell rang and I headed to my next class, geography. I had it with Jamie, so I was pretty excited to see him. He got himself grounded, so he didn't have his phone with him, so we couldn't text.

"Hey babe," I say, as I sit down beside him.
He smiles. "Hey yourself"
"I missed talking to you yesterday" I pout.

"So did I. I'm free next period, how about we hang out?" He asks, knowing I have one too.
"That sounds great!" I say, kissing him on the cheek.

I was about to ask him about our date, but the teacher walked in and said she had an announcement. "Everyone, we have a new student joining our class. Her name is Megan, please make her feel welcome!" She said cheerily.

Just then, Megan walked in. She was drop-dead gorgeous. She had an hourglass figure, and silky chestnut brown hair that went past her shoulders. Big, blue eyes and thick eyelashes, too.

She strutted inside and turned towards us. She smiled big, her dimple showing.
"Hey everyone! My name is Megan, and my old school shut down, so I've come here! I hope we all can be friends!"

The teacher smiles. "Thank you, Megan. Err, you can sit right there, by Alice. Alice, can you raise your hand? Thank you"

Alice was sitting right in front of me, and Megan was in front of Jamie. I stole a glance from him, and he was staring at her as she walked to her seat. He looked mesmerised. I shifted uncomfortably. Why was he looking at her like that?

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