Chapter 18: forgiven

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Emma's POV
I felt hopeless just lying on my bed like that, I was worried about Cole, I mean I'm the reason we got punished in the first place, plus Noah seemed really angry when they went to his room.
I was also scared for Alex to come home. What if he punishes us again?

I so wanted to leave my room but Liam had given me strict instructions not to leave until someone told me to. I glanced over to my table and saw the stack of worksheets.
Shit! I hadn't started. I got up and sat down on the chair, and I immediately shot back up,my butt was throbbing.

So I just grabbed the stack and sat on my bed. I'm a huge procrastinator, especially when it comes to school, but I was also nervous that the work here would be harder than in my old school, so I didn't even wanna read the sheets.

But I'd have to do it eventually and Alex is already mad at me, he'll be way angrier if I don't complete my homework, and I'd already lied about completing one, so I got to work. To my surprise, it wasn't as hard as I thought, pretty much the same as my old school, so I started doing the worksheet. It was incredibly boring, especially not having music to listen to, but I had nothing else to do since Liam took away my Tv cable earlier.

About 30 minutes later I finally finished one worksheet, and I groaned realising I had to do 24 more. I was about to get started on another worksheet when my doorknob turned. My stomach twisted, thinking it was Alex but luckily it wasn't. It was Aiden.

"You can come out now em," he said, leaning against the door.
I shot out of my room and ran to Cole's, it was opposite mine. I was about to open his door, but I felt Aiden's hand squeeze my shoulder.

"You probably want to leave him alone for a while, he just got punished," he told me.
My eyes widened. "Noah was just done with him? Is he alright?" I asked, a bit worried as my punishment had been over with like 45 minutes ago.

Aiden chuckled and pulled me away from the door. "He's alright, Noah was angry but he got what he deserved. Noah probably lectured him for a long time, don't you worry."

I nodded meekly.

"I'm going to the sauna room, do not enter Cole's room, unless he comes out himself, or one of lets you, okay?" He asked, rather told me, while heading downstairs.

The second he was downstairs, I bolted into Cole's room. Stupid? Maybe, but I wanted to see him.

"Go away Emma" he muttered, under his blankets, with a pillow over his head.
I didn't listen, I just moved closer to his bed.

"Are you okay Cole? How bad was it?" I asked, curious.

He lifted the pillow off of his head and glared at me angrily. "Leave me alone Emma, I want my space"

I was about to argue with him when I felt a very hard smack on my already very sore bottom. It was Aiden.

"Didn't I tell you to not go in his room? You're feeling very brave today aren't you young lady, perhaps we need to do something about that" Aiden threatened me fiercely.

I was horrified that I might get spanked again, but luckily before Aiden could drag me out, Cole saved my sore ass.

"No no aiden it's fine, I told her to come In" he lied quickly, looking worried Aiden would spank me because even he knew I'd been punished enough.

"You sure?" Aiden asked, not letting go of the grip he had on my arm.
"Yes, I am" Cole replied.

Aiden shot one more glare at me, and then he left.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, you saved my ass," I said thankfully, getting ready to leave.
"He sighed. It's fine you can stay." Cole said, sitting up.

I smile at him as I sit in front of him.

"But are you alright? I was worried because Noah was so angry" I asked him.

"I'm alright, sore as hell and yeah, he was angry but he'd never hurt me out of anger, he never has and he never will" Cole replied, a bit defensively.

"I know, I mean you know him better than I do obviously, but" I trailed off.
"What'd he spank you with?" I asked him curiously because the spoon had been with Liam. Maybe they had 2?"

"His belt" Cole replied, sitting up slightly and rubbing his butt.
My eyes widened. "Ouch, that must've hurt like hell"

"It did, he didn't go easy on me either," he said sadly, resting his head on the headrest.

Before I could reply, I heard the front door downstairs. I and Cole both gulped. It was Alex.
"Is he gonna spank us himself?" I asked, worried.

"I doubt it, we weren't that bad, ya only get double spankings when you've really fucked up," he said, not as worried as I was.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but just then, Cole's door opened. It was Noah. I hadn't seen him since before I got spanked.

"Oh Emma, you're here. Alex is calling you both downstairs. now" Noah said, motioning us to get a move on.

We bolted downstairs, Alex wasn't a patient man.

I saw my laptop on the table in our living room, but by the look on Alex's face, I knew better than to ask for it.

He looked mad. Not as much as I thought, Probably since he knew we were already punished, but he still looked angry.

He walked over to the single-seater sofa and sat down. He pointed to the triple seater. "Sit" he ordered us simply.

We walked towards the sofa and sat down, ready for our third lecture today.

"I know you've been punished, and according to Liam and Noah, you've learnt your lessons. Nonetheless, I still wanted to talk to you both" he said calmly.

"I'm very disappointed in you both, especially you Cole,  you're older and you're meant to set a good example for your sister, not give her bad ideas and steer her in the wrong direction. I was livid hearing that you've done this before, but since you've been punished thoroughly I hope, I'm not blaming you completely. Liam Informed me that it was Emma's decision, and Emma I'm very disappointed in you as well. I thought you understood why I take your phone, and that I could trust you" Alex berated the both of us.

We held our heads low, but Cole spoke up. "I'm sorry Alex, we won't do it again" he apologised and nudged my arm. I apologised as well.

Alex sighed, patted his thighs and stood up. "Well, you both seem sorry, so you're out of trouble." Alex turned around, picked my laptop up and handed it to me.

"Here you go Emma, I'll take it at night, and I trust you to not take it back. But I'm warning you, if you break my trust, you won't get it back" he warned me.

I was shocked that he gave it back to me! I thought I wouldn't get it back for weeks!
I beamed at him and promised I wouldn't break his trust.

The three of us went upstairs and Alex gave Cole his laptop back.

"Both of you go and ask Liam for your phones back nicely. I've already told him you can have them back."
So that we did.

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