Chapter 17: spoon

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Emma's POV
A wooden spoon? Cole told me that it packs an incredible sting, definitely worse than a hairbrush.
I wanted to run away after seeing it in his hands, but that didn't end so well the last time.

Liam still didn't say anything, but he guided me towards my bed and sat me down.

"We are extremely disappointed in you Emma, you know better!" He scolded me softly.

I blinked away tears. "I know, I'm sorry," I said, not daring to look down in case he followed up on his threat earlier.

"Why would you do that? Taking your phone away at night isn't a punishment, and it's not just for you, it's for Cole too. Alex takes them to ensure you sleep at a good time" he said to me.

"I know, but I just can't sleep that soon, and I really really wanted to talk to Steph," I said, trying to explain my actions.

"But I've learnt my lesson, please don't spank me!" I pleaded with Liam. I know pleading is pointless with Alex or Noah, but I was hoping Liam would give me the time of day.

He chuckled. "Emma, you and I both know that won't work, plus if I let you off, you'll pull this again.

"I won't I promise!" I begged, but he shook his head.

"No Emma, you're getting a spanking whether you like it or not. And you know even if I don't want to spank you, Alex will. So if you keep on arguing with me, you'll get a spanking from both of us. Is that what you want?" He asked me sternly, raising an eyebrow.

I definitely didn't want that, so I shook my head and apologised.

"Now, if you tried to sleep early, you would be able to. If you go to bed at 10:30 for a while, you'll get used to it, you need to fix your sleep schedule." He said glaring at me.

"I know it's hard, but you're a kid. You can't sleep at 1 am, it's not good for you. If you wanted to talk to your friend, you could have waited till morning! it's not like you have school or you're in different timezones" he explained.

"But I just wanted to talk to her then" I muttered, knowing he was right, but I wasn't happy bout it.

"Well, since you decided to talk to her,  you're now In trouble and getting spanked. What sounds better, waiting until the next morning for your phone, or getting a spanking because you took it?" He asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"Waiting till the next day" I mumbled, feeling ashamed.

"Good, you've realised. But since you chose the wrong option yesterday, you're getting a spanking. So pull down your pants, and get over my lap" Liam said sternly.

I decided to not argue anymore, so I complied and did as he said.

I clutched his leg, shutting my eyes tight, not wanting to be punished.
But of course, my wishes wouldn't be fulfilled, and he started laying heavy smacks on my butt.

Liam was heavy-handed just like all my brothers, so my poor butt started to sting fast.

He was silent while spanking me, adjusting me every so often because I was squirming so much.

"Stop squirming Emma!" He scolded, laying a particularly hard smack on one of my sit spots.
I shrieked and decided to stay still.

He quickly bought me to tears, and the fact that he hadn't even started using the spoon yet, made it worse.

He started to smack me harder, and I was shrieking and started to kick my legs. I was begging Liam to stop through my tears, but he wasn't having it.
He stopped spanking me.

"Emma, I told you to stop squirming! If you don't stop, I'll bend you over the table and call Aiden to hold you down, do you want that?" He threatened me harshly.

"No, I'm sorry" I mumble, not wanting to even imagine how humiliating having someone watch my spanking would be.

"That's what I thought," he said. "I'm going to spank you with the spoon now," he said picking it up. My crying had subsided a bit, but hearing him say that gave me a huge lump in my throat.

Thwack! Thwack! He spanked me twice with that horrid spoon, and I started to cry again, Cole was right, it hurt way worse than my hairbrush. It was thick and stung bad, I didn't know how many swats I could take with it.

Not phased by my tears, he continued smacking me with that wicked spoon, ever so slowly so I could absorb the sting of each smack, which I did.

Then he started smacking me faster, focusing more on my sit spots, and it started to sting badly.
Then I released a fresh set of tears, twisting the fabric of Liam's pants, praying it would end soon.

You thwack! Will thwack! Never thwack! thwack! Go into thwack! your brother's thwack! thwack! room and thwack! Take thwack! your thwack! Electronics thwack! Again! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!"

I was crying so heavily, my butt felt like it was on fire because of that horrid spoon, I was relieved when it finally ended.

Liam stood me up and pulled my pants up. "If you ever try and pull something like that again Emma, you'll be spanked twice as hard. Got it?" He asked me sternly, holding my shoulders.

I wasn't even looking at him, my hands were rubbing my eyes, which kept on crying.
He gently took my hands away from my face and asked me again, to which I nodded.

He then pulled me into a warm hug. I didn't hug him back, I was trying to rub the sting off my poor butt, but then I gave up and hugged him back.

He rubbed my back softly, hushing my cries, and telling me I was forgiven and it was all over, which always helped me feel much better.

He held me like that for a while, gently rocking me until my cries were reduced to Whimpers.

He pulled away and stroked my cheek gently. "I'm going to go check on your brother, not sure if Noah's done with him, but you stay here until one of us says otherwise, okay? He told me.
I nodded my head, and Liam left my room.

I wanted to see Cole, especially since we had both gotten punished, but Liam had confined me to my room for whatever reason, and I definitely didn't want to disobey him especially after I had just gotten spanked. I then realised I didn't have my phone because Liam took it earlier, great.

I also didn't have my laptop with me, the charging port wasn't working even though I'd only had it for a few days, so Alex sent it to get repaired, and it still hadn't come back. Alex said he'd get it back today, but after what I did I doubt it'd be in my hands any time soon.

I collapsed on my bed, feeling defeated and wanting to cry all over again.

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