Chapter 87: bully

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"I can't believe Amelia lied like that," I mumble, even though it's pretty believable considering what had happened today. "She came up to me and asked me if I was your sister," I tell him. "Then over text, she told me that the two of you are friends."

"Nah, that's all shit." He responds. "We're not friends."
I nod.

"I think she might be a bit of a bully, too. She acts like she's better than everyone else, and she's an ass to anyone who's not in her circle" He says in a disgusted tone.

I'm regretting hanging out with her more and more.
"Great," I mutter. "She clearly likes you, I guess that's why she came up to talk to me."
He rolls his eyes. "I have zero interest in that bimbo, whatsoever. If she's bothering you about me, tell me. I'll just give it to her straight."

"Thanks." I sigh. "So, who are you interested in then?" I say, giving him a knowing grin. "I see you giggling at your phone like a teenage girl."

His cheeks immediately turn pink. "Excuse me, I do not giggle." He protests. "And is it that obvious?"
"Very," I say. "Are you dating her?" I ask impatiently.

He sighs, opening his phone. "No, we're not. We've been talking a lot, though." He smiles. "I'm not sure if she likes me back or not, so I doubt I'll be asking her out anytime soon,"

I grin. "You really like her, don't you?"
His smile reaches his eyes. "I do. She's pretty, super sweet, kind, funny, and she's easy to talk to. I'm already crushing hard,"
"Then you should ask her out!"

"I will, eventually." He says. "We've been talking properly for about a month, but she's pretty reserved. It took a while to get her to open up. I want to take it slow, and get to know her a bit." He explains.

"Aw, okay. Have you ever hung out with her outside of school?" I ask.
"No, not yet. We were actually assigned a project together, but I suggested just doing it in the school library."

"Why the hell would you do that?" I ask loudly. "That would've been like the perfect opportunity to invite her to our house or something."

"I know, I know, but I dunno... I didn't wanna freak her out."
I smack my forehead. "Cole, how would inviting her to our house for a school project freak her out?!"
"Don't yell at me," He mutters. "I'm not sure, okay?"

I sigh. "Have you started working on it yet?" I ask.
"No, it was only assigned to us the other day. It's due in a couple of weeks."
I smile. "Perfect! You can still invite her over!"

"Wouldn't it be weird if I invited her over after we already decided on the library?"
"You're overthinking it," I say softly, squeezing his hand. "Just be casual about it. Just tell her that the house is an option."

He blows out a breath. "Okay, I will."

The next few days go by, slowly. I'm missing Noah and Liam more than ever. Alex coming back home was a huge relief, don't get me wrong, but two of my brothers aren't here with us, and it feels wrong. Plus, Alex and Aiden are both stressed out of their minds. There's apparently some issue with the business, so Alex is working like crazy, and the only times we see him not in his office are for a few minutes in the morning and at dinner. He does come up and check on us when he can, though. Aiden has his final exams, so he's practically living in the library. He even eats his dinner there, sometimes. Alex is usually pretty firm on us all eating together at dinner, but he's excusing it, probably because Noah and Liam aren't here, anyway.

Unfortunately, Amelia and her friends haven't left me alone, as I predicted. During lunch, or in between classes, Amelia sometimes comes up to me and asks to hang out, mostly suggesting my house. She asks about Cole too, what he's doing, if he's busy, if he'll be at home, who he hangs out with. It's starting to get really weird. I've seen Liana a few times, too. I wanted to go up and apologise to her, but I'm not even sure she saw me that day at the mall.

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