Chapter 42: arguments

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I suddenly started to panic. Were my brothers sending me away? Why?! I didn't want to leave! Was I so much trouble that they were sending me away? I thought they wanted me! I can't go, I need them!

All these thoughts were racing through my mind, but Noah's voice bought me back to reality.

"Excuse me?" Noah asked, rising to his feet. "What do you mean she's coming with you?" He questioned, anger evident in his voice.

Aunt cleared her throat. "She seems to be much better now, so I think we can manage her, so we planned to take her back," she said simply.

"Excuse me? She's not going anywhere!" Liam yelled, immediately pulling me close to him, an iron grip on me as if they were going to take me away right then and there.

"Okay, let's all calm down," my uncle said, putting his cup down, trying to diffuse the situation.

Noah looked like he was going to yell again, but Alex signalled him to shut up with his hand.

"First off, we have her custody. I'm not sure what makes you think she was coming here temporarily. I'm her guardian, she's staying with us. This isn't up for discussion" He tells them sternly, with a no-nonsense tone.

"Okay kids, how about you three go upstairs while we discuss this?" My uncle said.

"Did you not just hear him? There's nothing to discuss, she's staying with us! No conversation we can have will change that decision!" Aiden said, his voice quickly escalating in volume.

"Okay boys, listen. Emma was getting out of hand. We knew you would straighten her out, so that's why you could take her! We weren't sure if we would be able to bring her back, so that's why we gave you her custody, but now we want her back!" My aunt argued.

Straighten me out? What the hell? They sent me away because they couldn't handle me, and now they want me back?!

"For your information, we aren't playing pass the parcel with her! You can't just send her here and then take her back! That's just stupid!" Cole added.

"He's right. Emma wasn't "getting out of hand", you just weren't able to parent her properly, but we can! So she's staying here!" Noah yelled at them, not being able to keep his cool any longer.

I wanted to speak but I couldn't even form the words. I was in a state of shock.

Aiden stood up and grabbed my hand. "Cole, Emma, Daisy, you guys go upstairs. We'll handle this" he says, and gently pushes us towards the direction of the stairs.

"Daisy, did you know about this?" I ask her exasperated, as we reluctantly go up the stairs.

"Yes, but Mom told me that your brothers knew. Even after you left, my mom said that they'd bring you back. I didn't know that you didn't know" she tells me, sounding shocked herself.

"No matter what you say, it doesn't matter. We have her custody, she's ours. You can't just give her to us and then snatch her away when you want her back! True families stick with each other!" I hear Noah say, more like yell.

I gulp as we reach upstairs. Cole stayed silent the entire time, and he immediately went into his room.

I can still clearly hear the commotion downstairs, so I show Daisy my room.
"Woah, your room is so cool," Daisy says, mesmerised.
"Mhm," I say, still worried about what was going on.

"Don't worry, we'll get you back" Daisy says quietly, running her fingers up and down my lava lamp. I quickly turn my head towards her.

"What? Daisy no, I don't wanna come back. I wanna stay here!" I say, angry that she doesn't understand either.

"Huh? Why?" She asked me, now looking at me.

"What do you mean, why?! I like it here, I'm happier than I ever was before!" I tell her.
"And my brothers won't send me away if I misbehave, unlike your parents!" I mutter angrily.

"You can't say that about them!" She yells defensively. "They took care of you for so many years, and now your brothers suddenly show up and you want to stay with them? How does that make any sense?!" She yells at me.

"I didn't choose to come here, did I?! Your parents are the ones who sent me away! My brothers wanted me for years and your parents didn't let me go, but as soon as I start misbehaving, they sent me away like I'm trash!" I yell right back at her.

"Doesn't mean you can just forget about us! You didn't even thank my parents for looking after you! They could've just sent you to an orphanage or something!"

"You know what? I wish they didn't look after me, then I would've been with my brothers, and I wouldn't have had to live with you!" I scream at her, tears springing to my eyes.

"They should've sent you to an orphanage" She mutters under her breath. I still heard it.
I blink back tears, and I storm out of my room slamming the door. Probably the only time I can do that without my brothers getting on my case.

The second I leave my room, I bump into Cole.

"What happened?" He asked, taking hold of my shoulders.
I shake his hands off. "Nothing," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I heard you two yelling, what happened?"
I stay silent. "Come on, let's go to my room," he says.

Once in the safety of his room, I tell him.

"Daisy was being stupid. She was telling me that they'd "get me back", and when I said I didn't want to leave, she got all angry and said I was being ungrateful! Then when I told her that her parents basically sent me away when they had enough of me, she said that they could've, and should've sent me to an orphanage! Can you believe her?!" I tell him angrily, my voice breaking at the end.

"Why that little-" he muttered furiously, getting off of his bed.
"No, stop," I say, grabbing his wrist.
"What? She can't just say that to you!"

"I know, but I was mean to her too"
"That doesn't make what she said right" he argues.

I sigh "I know Cole, but getting angry at her will just make things worse," I say, trying to calm him down.

"Fine" he mutters, sitting back on his bed. "But stay here" he adds, and I nod.
"How are we meant to stay with these people for another day?" He groans.

I shrug. "Wanna go see what's happening downstairs?" I ask.
He nods, and we leave his room and look down from the top of the stairs, leaning on the handrail. We couldn't hear exactly what was being said, it was clear they were a bit calmed down though, but still arguing.

I gulp. What if my brothers give up and let me go?
As if reading my mind, Cole squeezed my hand. "Don't worry Emma, we're not letting you go anywhere"

Authors note: another update because I hit 100k reads😭 thank y'all so much, I never thought I'd hit 100, let alone 100,000. I appreciate every one of you who read my story and liked it, you guys are the best ❤️
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to vote, comment and follow if you did!
Have a great day/night, love y'all!

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