Chapter 47: talk

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We soon reach home and I ever so slowly get out of the car. Aiden, who's already gotten out is tapping his foot on the floor impatiently.

"Hurry up Emma!" He barks, and I immediately get out of the car and make my way to the front door.

I'm incredibly nervous. I'm never usually in trouble with Liam before and I wanted to keep it that way. I gulp and open the front door, and he was sitting by the kitchen island, looking pissed. Aiden heads to his room, leaving me all alone with my incredibly angry brother.

He looks slightly relieved after he sees me, but the anger on his face didn't dissipate.
"Where the hell were you Emma?" He asked me, getting up from his heat and walking towards me. Liam was usually pretty calm; he's the one who usually calms my other brothers down, so seeing him this angry was pretty scary, especially when it was directed at me.

But For some reason, I found this the perfect time to be sassy.

"You know where I was, Aiden told you" I muttered, but not quite enough for him to not pick up on it.

He stayed silent, but I quickly apologised after seeing the look on his face.

"That's better, now answer the question"

I didn't know why he was making me say it when he already knew, but I didn't dare stay silent.
"I was at an ice cream place'' I mumbled, looking at the carpet.

He yanked my chin up so fast I thought my neck would snap. "Speak up" he ordered.
I gulped. "I left the house to go to an ice cream place," I told him, as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"And what made you think that was a good idea?" He questioned, raising a brow.
"I don't know" I mumbled.

"Of course, you don't," he said, mostly to himself, letting go of my chin as I rubbed it.
"I'm sorry," I say, unable to look him in the eyes.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? Alex leaves, telling me you're sleeping, then I go to check on you, and you're missing? You're lucky I didn't call the police!" He scolds, his words quickly escalating In volume.

"I didn't mean to make you worry!'' I blurted out as if that excused my behaviour.

"Then what the hell did you think would happen if you snuck out and we didn't find you in your room? That we'd just go on with our day!?" He growled in a terrifyingly cold tone.

I just stayed silent, trying not to look down.
He took a deep breath. "Hand me your phone" he ordered.

"But-" I began to protest, but to no avail as he immediately cut me off.

"Are you seriously trying to disobey me right now? I said, give me your phone!" He yelled. To not add any more fuel to the fire, I quickly took it out of my pocket and put it in his hand.

"Go to your room, I'm too angry to even deal with you right now," he says coldly, rubbing his forehead and pointing to the direction of the stairs.

I immediately bolt up to my room and crash on my bed. I was in a world of trouble. What was I even thinking? I was waiting nervously for Liam to come, putting my ear to the door to see if I could hear anything, but nothing. Maybe he'd wait until Alex and Noah get home? Seeing how angry he is with me, I think that would be better. I had only been spanked by Liam once, and I did not want it to happen again.

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