Chapter 70: finding

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Cole's POV

I was rushing back to Nick's place. I didn't feel good about leaving Emma alone, but she didn't wanna come with me. I mean, I don't blame her, it's a pretty long walk.

"You're back?" My friend, Dylan asks me as I get in the house. I shake my head.
"No. I forgot my phone, I need to go back real quick." I say in a hurry, looking around. "Where'd I put my damn phone?" I grumble, flipping over some couch cushions.

My classmate, Austin walks up to me. "Cole, you left your phone here," He tells me, after a couple of minutes of unsuccessful searching. Austin isn't my friend, he's honestly kind of an ass. We're still civil with each other though. Mostly.

I breathe a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. I was trying to find it," I say, trying to take my phone back from him, when he stopped me.

I raise a brow. "What?" I snap.

"Wait, didn't you leave already?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I came back because I forgot my phone which you have," I say irritated, still trying to get it back from him.

"Come on, stop being a wuss and stay for a bit," He says teasingly, raising his hand in the air.

I run my hand through my hair. I don't have time for this. "My brothers found out I snuck out, and my little sister is waiting for me to come back. Give it back, Austin." I snap, glaring at him.

He looks at me in surprise, before smirking, seeming satisfied that he was getting me riled up.
"How about this, do one shot. Then I'll give you your phone back," He said.

I roll my eyes, but I know it's no use arguing with him. "Fine, but you're giving me my damn phone after," I grumble.

We walked to the kitchen where all the drinks were. I hadn't drunk yet, tonight. I've only tried alcohol once, as a dare in a friend's house. I was actually planning to have some tonight.

He then handed me a shot glass. I didn't even ask what it was, before taking it.
"That stings," I croak, as the liquid burns my throat. He grins. "But it's good, isn't it?"

"Whatever man, now give me the phone back," I say, annoyed. I'm honestly willing to go back without it at this point. I don't care if I lose my stupid phone, I just don't want Emma to be out alone. And I have a sinking feeling that she's not going to wait for me.

He put his arms up in mock surrender, before reaching for his pocket to give me my phone back, when he stops and gets an evil grin on his face.

"There's some people upstairs playing drunk twister. If you play one round, I'll give you the phone," He says with a smug grin. I smack my forehead. "I don't have time for this, Austin. Please just give me my phone back," I beg.

He frowns. "Alright, go get it," he says tauntingly, chucking my phone out the kitchen window. Into the pool.

I watch in horror, before bolting outside to try and save it. Luckily, it somehow missed the pool by an inch. I was about to grab it when someone who was running by accidentally kicked it in. Nooo! They didn't kick it in too far, so I was able to retrieve it without jumping in.

I shook it vigorously, trying to get all the water out, hoping it wasn't broken. I can fix this later, I thought. I shove it in my pocket, before running out of the house.

I was hardly 30 steps away from his house when I saw cops walking in my direction. Shit. They stopped me and asked about the party. Apparently, some neighbour had filed a noise complaint, so now the cops were grilling me for facts. I'm praying they don't smell the alcohol on me.

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