Chapter 30: punishment

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Alex's POV
I suddenly woke up to a phone call. Who the hell was calling me this late? I checked the time and it's a little past 1 am. It's an unknown number. I answer it.

"Hello?" I say sleepily, angry at the person who decided to disturb my sleep.
"Is this Alex? I'm Holly's mother" the lady says.

I instantly shot out of bed, and then I realise that this number wasn't the one that Emma had given me earlier. What the hell was going on?

"Yes, it's me. Is everything okay?" I asked, panicked. Why was her mother calling me at 1 am? What did Emma do? Is she okay? A million thoughts race through my head as I try to remain calm.

"I'm not sure, she and Holly haven't returned home from the party yet, and Holly isn't answering any of my calls. I was wondering if you could call Emma and ask them if they're okay, they said they'd be home by 1" she said to me.

Excuse me? What was this woman on? What party?

"Uhm, a party? Emma didn't tell me about a party!" I tell her frantically as I rush to Noah's room to wake him up. I entered his room and shook him awake, and I put the phone on speaker just as Holly's mom was about to respond.

"Emma didn't ask you about the party? Oh goodness. I'm so sorry, she told me she asked for your permission. The girls went to a party at around 11 pm, they said they'd be back around 1, and they haven't shown up. I don't know the boy's address, so I'm worried."

Noah immediately jumped out of bed just as I had. Was I hearing this correctly?
"What the hell? A party at 11 pm? At a boy's house?!" Noah exclaimed, even more in shock than I am as he just woke up.

I grab his phone and try and call Emma, and it says her phone is switched off. That brat.
I send her a message, asking where she is and if she's okay.

"Emma isn't answering my call, I have no idea where this party is," I tell her,
grabbing the phone from Noah, who I signal to go out and wake Liam up.

She sighs. "I'll try and call her again, if I get a hold of her I'll let you know"
I agree and she hangs up. I sit down to process all of this. Then I quickly get back up and leave Noah's room.

"Noah, get in the car. We're going to Holly's house to find Emma." I shout out to Noah who was Leaving Liam's room.

"I told Liam what happened, he says if it's a party, Cole might know about it" he tells me.

I nod and go to my room to quickly get dressed. I was incredibly angry and worried. Emma was most likely at a high school party, what if she was unsafe, or hurt? I swear, if anyone lays a finger on her, I'll murder them.

I shoot another couple of texts to Emma, then to Liam asking him to ask Cole about the whereabouts of the party as I rush down the stairs and get in the limo. Noah is already there and he starts driving.

I take a deep breath and try to stay calm, I wouldn't be able to think otherwise. I hear my phone ring, and I immediately fish it out of my pocket, hoping it was Emma, but it wasn't, it was Holly's mom.

"Hey, Holly finally picked up. I didn't tell her anything, I asked her and Emma to come home immediately. You can pick her up in the morning, I'll let you know when they arrive"

I chuckle to myself. Pick her up in the morning? No thanks.
"Thank you, but I'm already on my way, I'll pick up Emma from your house now" I tell her.
"Oh okay, that's fine too," she says, and we hang up.

I slump back in my seat as I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing she was okay.
"What did she say?" Noah asked worriedly, but he seemed a bit reassured after seeing my reaction.

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