Chapter 31: aftermath

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I felt my heart stop as I hear Alex reach for his belt. I turn to look back at him nervously, and my suspicions were confirmed. He was holding his belt, which was doubled. I knew he told me my punishment wasn't over, but I never thought he'd use his belt on me! He never has! I start to cry all over again, as I turn my head back around. I hear him sigh softly and rub his hand on my back. "I-I'm sorry" I blubber. "I won't do it a-again" I say, hoping he would drop his belt and wrap me in a hug, but no such luck.

"I'm glad. But you're still getting punished whether you like it or not" he says sternly, resting his belt on my sore ass, which already made me squirm slightly. He raised it in the air, and the thick leather landed harshly on my butt. "Ouch!" I shriek loudly, kicking my legs in the air.
That stung like absolute hell! The fact that my bottom was already burning because of the spoon made it worse, I cried even heavier just after the first one.

"Emma! I told you to stay still! If you move one more time, I'll call someone to hold you down. I'm serious, so stay still" he warns me threateningly.

"O-okay" I sob.

He wastes no time and lays down the belt a second and third time, causing me to yelp, but I managed to stay still. It felt like I was sitting on a hot stove, and the heat was increasing.
He laid down the fourth one particularly hard, causing me to shriek and stand up. Oh shit.

"That's it! I warmed you" he says harshly, as I immediately bend over the desk again, praying he wouldn't go through with his threat, but unsurprisingly he did.

"Noah!" He yelled out, and less than a minute later, I heard Noah enter my room. I wished the ground would swallow me whole, right then and there. I didn't look at him, I probably looked like a hot mess, and I was incredibly embarrassed.

"Hold her hands down on the desk, she keeps jumping up," Alex orders him, and Noah complies. Noah made his way towards me and held my hands down firmly on my desk, so I couldn't get up. This was beyond embarrassing. The spanking is already embarrassing enough, having another person there watching it makes it way, way worse.

"Now, I want you to tell me what you did wrong, one fault at a time," Alex says sternly. I wasn't quite sure what to say, I couldn't even speak clearly because I was still crying.

He strikes my butt again with the belt, hard, to prompt me to answer.
I let out a yelp as I move forward slightly, but still in position.

"I-I lied to you and Noah about n-not leaving her house" I blubber, as the thick leather strikes my bottom again, and I shriek. He lays down two more on my really sensitive sit spots.
"And?" He asks.

I take a deep breath and try to compose myself.

"I-I gave you h-her sister's n-number instead of her mom's," I say, voice shaking. My butt genuinely feels like it was burning, as he laid the belt three more times on my poor butt.

I let out a cry as I try to speak. "I w-was o-out p-past my curfew," I say as I bite my lip, preparing to take the next three, which he laid on my sit spots again. I was not sitting down for a while.

"Owww!" I wail and burst into a fresh set of tears. "Please stopp" I cry desperately.
Noah rubs my hand with his thumb softly. "You're almost done sweetie," Alex says, soothingly rubbing my back momentarily, before removing his hand.

"Continue," he says, resting the wicked piece of leather on my butt.

"I switched m-my phone off," I say, and he landed two more hits on my right cheek. This was definitely the worst spanking I had taken.

"And?" He prompted harshly.

"I- I went to a boy's house at n-night, w-without your permission" I cry, as he cracks the belt another couple of times on my thighs.

"I didn't g-go home on t-time" I whimper, as he struck the leather on my left butt cheek another couple of times, particularly hard.

I take a moment to catch my breath, I'm still sobbing but Alex isn't having any of it.

"Did I ask you to stop?" He questions me angrily, striking the leather on my ass another time.
I let out a shriek as I try to jump up, but I obviously can't.

"What else?" Noah asked me coldly.

"I-I didn't go back home even after hollys mom c-called u-us" I squeak, and Alex whacked me with the belt another five times, on my sit spots, ever so slowly, which seemed to make the pain worse.

My butt now knew the blinding intense pain of being spanked with a belt, firsthand.

I was an absolute mess, I was crying my eyes out and blubbering apologies, praying it'd be over. I didn't even notice that Noah let my hands go and that Alex pulled my pants up and stood me up, turning me to face him.

"Shh shhh, sweetheart, it's all over okay? You're all forgiven, shh" he whispered, pulling me into a hug. I was still crying, as he scooped me up and sat on my bed, putting me on his lap as I bawled my eyes out in the crook of his neck. Noah came and sat down next to Alex, calming me down too, while rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"I-I'm sssorryy" I cry.
"Shh, we know, you're forgiven, okay? You don't need to apologise, baby, we aren't mad" Noah tells me gently, wiping the tears off of my cheek.

Alex rocks me gently, whispering sweet things in my ear until my cries die down to whimpers.

He tightened his grip on me as he stood up and carried me to my bathroom. He stands me in front of him. He takes a washcloth and wets it and cleans my face gently. My butt was throbbing still, I knew it'd hurt for quite a while, probably what Alex intended.
He dries my face with a towel and walks me back into my bedroom, and Noah wasn't there. I wasn't even embarrassed after a certain point, because I was too focused on my burning ass.
I felt much better now, well emotionally. Alex calmed me down completely, and it was nice to know he wasn't mad at me anymore.

I was still sniffling though, and my eyes were red and puffy. He sat back on my bed and sat me on his lap again.

"I want you to listen to me, okay?" He asks firmly but with a softness in his tone.
I nod.

"I'm sorry I had to spank you that hard, believe me, it breaks my heart to see you hurt. But what you did was unacceptable. You have no idea how worried we all were, that's why I had to use my belt. I hope I never have to punish you that hard again." He says softly.

"I won't d-do it again, I really am sorry, I felt so guilty" I murmur.
"I know you won't," he says and hugs me tightly.

"I do have to ask you something important though," he says sternly, and picked me up and sat me down in front of him.

"Yes?" I ask him.

"Who's Jamie?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I gulped.

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