Chapter 43: home

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I smile at Cole. He might be annoying, but I know how much he loves me.
Just then, the door of my room slowly opens, and Daisy slowly emerged.

Cole squeezed my hand harder. "Come in Emma, let's go" he says, walking to his room.

"Wait!" Daisy says. I and Cole both turn around to see her.
"Can we talk?" She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't want to" I mumble, turning around to go to Coles's room, as he follows.
"Please, I just wanted to" she pleads, but is interrupted by Cole.

"Are you deaf or something? She said she doesn't wanna talk to you, so beat it!" He says angrily.

"Why are you butting in? I just want to talk to my cousin!" She protests, putting her hands on her hips.

"And I said I don't wanna talk to you!" I scream at her, storming into Cole's room. He followed me, slamming his door in a very shocked Daisy's face.

"Our cousin is really annoying" Cole groans, leaning on his door and smacking his forehead. "Somehow even more annoying than you"

I scoff and flop onto his bed. My day at school had been amazing. Why's everything going downhill?

"I wanna go downstairs and see what's going on," Cole tells me.
"Same, but Aiden told us to stay upstairs" I point out.

He scoffs. "Come on, they won't care in this commotion, let's go"
We leave his room and quietly tiptoe down the stairs. We stay at the bottom of the stairs, out of sight, to hear what's going on.

"This isn't even about that! Emma needs a motherly figure in her life! You're 4 boys who have no experience taking care of a child. We already have one, and in case you forgot, we took care of Emma for years!" My aunt yelled at our very frustrated brothers.

We heard Alex exhale deeply. "And in case you forgot, when our parents died, Cole and Aiden were just kids. We took care of them perfectly fine, just like we are with Emma."

"But!" My uncle started to protest, and I and Cole groaned.
"Why aren't they getting the hint?" I whisper and shouted.
"They're idiots, that's why," Cole said, and I snickered.

"Okay, we've tried being rational, but that clearly isn't working. Emma is staying here. And that's final!" Noah declared, even though we knew our aunt and uncle wouldn't drop it. Are they gonna argue their entire time here?

"You know what? Let's just ask Emma!" My aunt said confidently.

"Fine, but what she says is final. If, no, when she's gonna tell us that she wants to stay here, we're dropping the matter." Alex says.

For some reason, I and Cole didn't register that they'd come to get me, so when Liam suddenly came out of the living room, we were caught.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Didn't Aiden tell you two to go upstairs?" He asks us, raising a brow.

"Uhm" Cole starts, then shuts his mouth when Liam shakes his head and sighs.

"Emma, we need you for a moment. Since it looks like you both have been here for a while, I'm assuming you know why" Liam says, raising a brow again. Using his brain for once, Cole slowly gets up and goes upstairs.

We both quietly go back into the living room, and my aunt rushes forward and takes my hands in hers.

"Emma, sweetheart. We've missed you so much! Why don't you come home with us?" She says in a sweet voice, rubbing my hands with her fingers.

Much to her dismay, I pull my hands back and roll my eyes.

"You're the one who sent me away in the first place, because I was "too much". Now that I'm actually happy and loved, you expect me to come back?" I snap at her angrily.

Her jaw dropped. What was she expecting me to do, pathetically crawl back to her?

Behind her, I see my brothers either smirk or hold back a laugh, which In turn makes me smile.

"So no, I'm staying right here, where I belong," I say smugly.

She smacked her lips and turned back to my brothers. "Well, that still doesn't change the fact that-"

Did this woman not know when to stop talking?

"Okay, that's it. Please leave." Alex orders, marching to the front door and swinging it open.
My uncle looks like he was about to protest, but he just glared at him and grabbed two of their suitcases, as my aunt another. "Daisy! Come downstairs, now!" She yells.

There's a minute of awkward silence and many glares until Daisy finally comes down. I avoid her gaze. Noah seems to notice as he raises a brow, but I shake my head. She looks confused for a moment, but quickly gets the hint, grabbing her suitcase and awkwardly standing next to our aunt.

"Fine, we'll leave. But don't expect us to take her back when you realise you're all too immature to look after someone like her" My uncle scoffs, as the three leave, slamming the door behind them.

My face falls. What did they mean by someone like me?

Liam notices and quickly pulls me into a hug. "You okay?" He asks softly, rubbing my back.
I nod into his chest and he loosens his grip on me, so we can see each other.

"Am I difficult?" I ask quietly, playing with the button on his shirt.

"What? Sweetheart, you're not. Why do you ask that?" Alex says from behind me, walking closer, putting his hands on my shoulders and turning me to face him.

"They said someone like me. What's that supposed to mean?" I mumble.

"Well, it means that They're stupid, and clearly don't know how to raise a child" Aiden replies,  causing me to smile.

Alex does too. "He's right. Think about it, they sent you away just because of your attitude. That doesn't say anything about you, it says something about them. That they can't parent. You're a child, you're going to make mistakes, it's a guardian's job to correct them. Honestly, I'm glad that They couldn't, because that's why you came here."

"And You're not difficult at all Em, all our lives became 100 times better after you came back home, we all felt incomplete until you did. No matter what you do, or say, will change that. Okay?" Noah adds, walking towards us.

I smile gratefully. My uncle's words had hurt me, and my brothers just made it all better.

Authors note: 
Hey everyone! If any of you have any chapter ideas that you'd like to see, leave it here, or you can DM me. I know this chapter was uneventful, but I definitely have some exciting ones coming soon, so stay tuned!
As always, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a good day/night. Love y'all!

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