Chapter 63: sick

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That night I fell asleep, feeling lighter than I'd felt in a while. Me Noah, and Alex weren't completely back to normal, but we were much better.

Unfortunately the next morning I woke up feeling horrible. Physically.
My throat was very sore, and my entire body hurt, my nose was clogged, and I felt hot too.
I struggled while stretching to turn off my alarm. I groaned loudly and continued to sleep. I woke up probably 15 minutes later to Alex shaking me awake.

"Em, you're gonna be late," he says softly.
"I'm sick" I croaked out, opening my eyes to look at him.

He felt my forehead and neck with the back of his hand. "Sweetie, you have a fever," he says, sounding slightly alarmed.

"My throat hurts," I croak sadly, before sitting up and coughing.
"Oh no.. weren't you okay last night?" He asked.

"I felt funny but not this bad," I say, feeling dizzy. He must've sensed it because he told me to lay back.

He came back a few minutes later. "You left me" I mumbled, sitting up. I always got very clingy when I was sick, ever since I was little.

"I'm right here," he says sweetly, helping me lean against the headboard.
He pours some cough syrup onto a spoon. "Take some of this, and you'll feel a bit better, okay?"

He gently put the spoon in my mouth and I reluctantly swallowed the bitter syrup.
"Yuck," I say after he had closed the cap of the small bottle. He chuckled.

"Let's check your temperature," he says, mostly to himself. He sticks the little thermometer in my mouth, and I lay back, waiting for the beep.

"Let's see," he says, taking it out of my mouth.
"100.6," he says. "Not bad, but you need rest"
"Mkay" I mumble, practically falling back in my bed. "I'll sleep"

He strokes my hair. "I'll come back to check on you," he says, and I feel his weight lift off of my bed.

"No, stay" I plead, taking hold of his hand.
His face immediately softens as he kisses my hand. "Let me go get my laptop, okay?"

"Hurry," I say incoherently, shutting my eyes and letting go of his hand.
"Won't be a minute, sweetie" he whispers, before leaving. He stayed true to his word, he came back in 30 seconds, laptop in hand.

"Are you hungry at all? Do you want something to drink?" He asks, crouching down beside me.
"Can I have juice?" I ask.

"Sure," he says, taking a seat right next to me, opening his laptop.

I turn to my other side to face him. I scoot closer to him, and he puts his arm around me as I sleep, rubbing my back.

"I asked Noah to bring you juice," he tells me while clicking away on his laptop single-handedly.

"Kay" I mumble, snuggling even closer to him.

A couple minutes later, Noah brought me my juice, with a straw. "I don't understand why you couldn't get it" he grumbled to Noah. Alex snorts, then helps me sit up, handing me my juice as I slowly sip it.

"What's everyone doing?" I ask Noah, putting my glass on my bedside table, and then getting under the covers again.

"Cole's going to school, Aiden's at uni, Liam is in a meeting, and I'm going to go to my office," Noah tells me, feeling my forehead.
"My head hurts" I murmured.

"I'll get you some medicine. Do you want anything to eat? You'll feel a little better" Noah says.
Alex continued to stroke my hair whilst working, and Noah came up to give me my medicine.
"I need to use the bathroom" I croak.

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