Chapter 66: unsure

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It's been a few months since the whole Jamie incident, and things seem to be on the up and up! I'm pretty sure that he and Megan are dating, and although I was a bit hurt at first, I realise now that they deserve each other. I and Catherine haven't been talking either. Isa and Holly avoid her too, so she doesn't sit with us anymore.

I haven't even gotten in trouble recently, I've been scolded a few times, but I haven't been punished. Alex even took me shopping as a reward! He hired a tutor for Cole, and though it took him a while to get used to it, his grades have gotten much better. My brothers have loosened up a bit recently, too. Emphasis on a bit.

"Ya busy?" Cole asked me, interrupting my thoughts.
"Oh, uh no. Why?"
"I'm gonna go to the library, and it gets pretty lonely there. Wanna come?" He asks.

"Eh, sure, I've got nothing better to do," I say, getting off of my bed.
He grins. "Course you don't"
"Oh shut up" I mutter, swatting his arm as we leave for the library.

"The number of books in here is crazy," I say softly, walking around.
"You act like you've never been in here before," Cole says, humoured.

I chuckle. "What are these?" I ask, seeing an entire shelf of odd-looking books.
"I think those are our photo albums," Cole says, walking over to me.

He takes one off of the shelf and hands it to me. "We have an entire album of just pictures of all of us," Cole says. I met my brothers quite a few times when I was little, and I remember my parents taking a lot of photos.

I carefully opened it, like it'd crumble to pieces if I wasn't careful. "This is so sweet," I say softly, running my finger down the first page. It was a photo of me and all of my brothers when I was born. Alex was holding me, Noah was carrying Cole, and Liam and Aiden were standing beside them, eagerly looking at me.

"We were in the hospital for so long that day," Cole says quietly, before smiling. "Aiden got spanked for being cranky and throwing a tantrum," he says, laughing at the memory.

I smile, before turning the page. The first few pictures were of each of my brothers carrying me, except for Cole. He was sitting on a chair, and Dad was helping him hold me.

"You look so excited," I say, smiling.
He grins. "I was, I couldn't wait to hold you"

Cole was right, the entire album was of all of us, our parents only occasionally in the background. We both sat down on the floor, laughing and feeling nostalgic as we flipped through the pages, talking in detail about each photo.

"Awh, this one is adorable!" I gush, looking at the photo. It was of all of us, at the beach. I was around 3, sitting on Alex's lap, smiling cheekily while dumping a bucket of sand on Liam's head while Aiden was practically laughing his head off. It looked like Noah was giving Cole a piggyback ride, but crouched down to where we were sitting, smiling with us.

I take out my phone and snap a picture.
I type the caption, 'Wish we were together from the beginning❤️' before posting it on Instagram.

"Wanna see one with mom and dad?" Cole asks me, standing up to put the album away.
"Sure," I say, and we spend another hour, looking at our old pictures.

"Noah really looks like Dad, doesn't he?" I ask Cole, as we look at the last picture of the album.
He nods. "So does Aiden,"
"I think he favours Mom more, like you," I say, closing the book.

I'm sitting on a beanbag, reading one of the novels I randomly picked, when my phone dings.
It was a message from Daisy. I gulp. We haven't really talked ever since they had come over. We weren't still mad at each other, we'd reconciled, but we didn't talk as often as we used to.

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