Chapter 2: leaving

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                                                                  Time skip
Emma is now a 13-year-old girl, still living with her aunt and uncle, recovering from her parent's death. Her brothers tried to get her custody ever since the accident but the aunt pleaded with them to let Emma stay there for a while, claiming that she was "used to her aunt and uncle", and she didn't want to leave the city she'd lived in since she was a baby. When she turned 10 her brothers had had enough, so they fought for her, despite her aunt and uncle pleading with them not to, she said that the brothers barely knew her and that they wouldn't be able to look after her, and that Emma needed a "mother figure" in her life. Honestly, Emma was not keen to go either, she barely knew her brothers and after the untimely death of her parents, they never met. She loved her aunt and uncle, and her 10-year-old cousin, Daisy, but Emma knew deep down she belonged with her brothers, and even though she didn't wanna admit it she did want to see them. Finally, her two oldest brothers got her custody. She's leaving the city today.

Narrators POV:
"Auntie, Uncle, Daisy, I'm gonna miss you all so much!

"Oh Emma, we're gonna miss you too, but we will visit, I promise."

"What if my brothers don't want me? What if they aren't nice? You can't let me go!"

"Emma don't worry, they are lovely! I've talked to them plenty of times, and they're your brothers of course they want you. They wouldn't have fought so much for you if they didn't" Her aunt explained while hugging her.

"They are ecstatic that you're coming home, you would have gone sooner if we had let you go, they've been wanting you know" her uncle chimed in.

Emma sighed. "I know"

Emma's cousin handed her a little gift-wrapped box, in the shape of a book. "Here you go em, a little gift from us" She had tears in her eyes but she wanted to stay strong for her cousin.

"Don't ever forget me, text me as soon as you get there, we'll never stop talking, okay?"
Emma hugged her and thanked them, and they all just stayed there hugging for a moment.

"Be good okay, don't trouble them" her aunt said softly, pulling away from the hug.

Emma rolled her eyes. "I know I know"
Despite wanting to stay, Emma had always felt like an outsider, her aunt and uncle were lovely, but she wasn't her daughter and she knew they would never love her as much as they loved Daisy. She felt that they would be better off without her, but Emma loved her school, and all her friends, which was the main reason she wanted to stay. Her aunt and uncle also let her get away with everything. She wasn't the most rebellious child ever, but it was still nice to not face any repercussions.

She never felt like she truly belonged, but she didn't believe she belonged with her brothers either.

But her brothers did, they knew that their aunt would never treat Emma and Daisy the same, and they didn't want her to feel unloved. They had also felt incomplete without her, and even though she didn't realise it, so did Emma. Her brothers were family, her siblings, she needed them.

Emma's aunt and uncle were very soft people. Emma was quite a rebellious kid, and she had horrible manners usually, she wasn't polite she was always rolling her eyes and swearing at people, slamming doors, and they knew that she needed to be straightened out, and her brothers were the best people for that. They had tried to discipline her but it had never worked, she never took them seriously. They loved her a lot, that's why they kept her for so long, but they also knew she needed her brothers.

"Well I better get going, I need to board"

They all waved goodbye and that was it, she was off.

The plane ride was pretty smooth, Emma was convincing herself that she would be fine, she knew her brothers were rich, so she'd have everything she wanted. She also assumed her brothers were as soft as her aunt and uncle, and that she would get away with anything she pulled.

Oh boy, was she wrong.

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