Chapter Seventy-Four

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The following morning, after the group returned, everybody was already awake when I awoke. Normally, I'd have to be the one to wake them when I prepared the food, but this time, they were waiting on me, including Sonju. Food already set on the table. They were talking in hushed voices when I arrived. As soon as I sat down, the table went quiet. I grabbed myself some food and clapped my hands together, everybody else doing the same. "Thank you for the food," we said in unison.

Except nobody touched their food afterwards. We all sort of sat there, stiff, waiting, for something. I sighed, knowing this wasn't going away anytime soon. "Listen, I know you all are worried but not eating isn't going to do anyone better," I said, pouring some dressing on my salad. "So why don't we all eat and–"

I felt a hand tap my knee and I jumped. Standing beside me was the little girl that came with Y/N last night, she was dragging around an oversized brown coat. Barbara told me her name was Cameron, an ex-demon. "Is something wrong?"

"Can I have some food? Renee asked me to bring her some," she whispered in my ear tip-toeing.

"She can have my salad," Emma offered, with the kindest smile she could give.

The girl froze and moved away. "Come kid, pick out some food," Sonju called from my other side. The girl quickly rushed over to him and he picked her up, setting her on his lap, letting her see the selection of food on the table.

It makes sense that she would cower away from humans, she was a demon before, even if her body represents that of a human, she's still a demon at heart.

Sonju provided the girl an empty plate and the girl placed all sorts of fruits and bread. She grabbed some mashed potatoes and bird meat and nodded. Sonju set her down, handed her the plate and a glass of water, and the girl scurried away, back to the room Y/N was resting in.

"How about we finish breakfast and then we all go see her," I suggested.



"Oh, thank you, Cameron," I said as she came back into the room, carrying a plate full of food and a glass of water. "Eat some first, I'm sure you're starving."

The girl smiled as she hopped up on the bed, sitting down with her legs crossed, as she picked up some bread.

I couldn't sleep last night. I came in here once everybody fell asleep. The guards already knew me so they didn't stop me.

I lay awake last night, sitting on the chair beside Y/N's bed. After she was taken, I promised myself that I wouldn't ever let go of her. I couldn't forgive myself if I ever did.

The little girl was quite a surprise but she had so much energy, and she wasn't at all worried, it sort of took away my worries. She talked a lot and she liked playing games. She was so happy to see the sky too. When she woke this morning, she spent a good couple of minutes staring out the windows, taking in the fresh air, the warm sun on her face. I feel so bad such a young demon was taken. But the girl seemed to see the bright side, and one thing I noted was how Y/N held her, she really adored this little girl and she wanted to keep her safe.

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