Chapter Fifty-Two

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(7  inappropriate words)


"Remember, we're looking for something that says Grace Field or Barbara."

"And my letter."

"Where did you even leave that letter of yours?"

"Found it."



"Fuck you."

"Oh, I found it."


"No, I'm being serious."



"You say you found it one more goddamn time I while beat your a–"

"I found it! For real this time! I swear, look!"

"You little shi–"

"Kidding! Look it!"

I flash her the small white envelope with the words 'To Y/N' written across the front. "Well, don't give it to me! Read it, dumbass!"

I let out a sheepish laugh. "I don't know how to read," I confess.

"Don't lie to me," she blatantly says. "Read it you coward."

I look at the letter in my hands and remember why I didn't read it in the first place. Whenever I think of the past I think of darkness and horror. I don't know what my past was like and if I'm being honest I don't think I want to remember my past. I like my life now and I fear that the past and the memories are just going to ruin the life I have now. I don't care if I'm the only human being in this world. I like it that way and I don't want that to change. But the past is something I've been curious about for as long as I can remember. I want to know about the past. Not only has my fear has only grown over time but my yearning has too.

"Take your time, Y/N," Renee whispers beside me. "I'm here and I'll always be here no matter what, I promise you."

Promise. Another one of those words that call out to me.

I sigh and open the letter.

Dear Y/N, 


It is currently December 13, 2047, as of writing this letter. You are currently outside this room, trying to save your family. In this letter, I write the memories I want to keep and the memories I hope you will keep deep in your heart.

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