Chapter Fifty-Three

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(4 inappropriate words)

"Ah, the new Queen, to what do I owe you this visit?"

"Good afternoon, Grand Duke Leuvis."

"Afternoon, Queen Mujika. And General Sonju. Where's the new Princess Y/N?"

"Not here, as you can see."

"Has she gone missing?"

"No, we just came to talk to you. Catch up."

"Is that so? What do you need?"

"We have a few questions for you."

"Would you like some tea?"

"Please, Leuvis. Just sit."



"Are you sure we're going the right way?"

"No, I'm not. We haven't been here in months."

"Where are we even?"


"No shit Pinkie Pie."

"What did you just call me, emo-bitch?."

"Hey! Enough. Don't start fighting for the millionth time, please."

"Can we just hurry up? I really need to pee."

"Why didn't you use the restroom while we still had one, Emma?"

"Sorry, I was so excited I couldn't pee."

"How does that even work?" 

"It just does Pinkie Pie."

"What is with that name..."

"Look, Yuugo, light, over there."

The man punched through the rocks and more light fell into the cave.

"Look!" the ginger head girl shouted, pointing at something in the distance. "Isn't that...I forgot the name but we used to live there, right, Norman?"

The albino one nodded. "Grace Field. Where everything started. Where we first met her."

"You," the man called out to the other albino with the red shimmering eyes. "Help me take out the rocks. And you too old man."

The red-haired man rolled his eyes but happily helped out. Together, they pushed and pulled rocks and stepped out, taking the first steps to revisit their old world.

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