Chapter One

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I sighed. This kid's asleep. Guess she was exhausted. Might as well get used to carrying her around.

"Ah, you finally made it back," I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around as I shut the car door and adjusted the child in my arms.

"Hello, Smee," I greeted with an irritated tone.

"Brought the kid, huh?" he asked, nodding his head at the girl sleeping in my arms.

I shot him a glare. "I found her. You keep your dirty hands off of her." I tossed the car keys to him and marched to the front doors of Grace Field's headquarters. He's always been such a pain.

The doors slid open and I was greeted with a refreshing gust of wind and two smiling women. A young woman with ombre hair dressed in a lab coat and black heels. Another one sitting behind the desk. A black haired short old lady. The receptionist who I know too well.

"Peter, nice to see you finally back," Jocelyn –the ombre haired lady– said. "Guessing what you were looking for was successful."

I rolled my eyes at her and walked to the receptionist. "Clairene, where is the nursery?"

She gave me a troubled expression. "The girl can talk, right?"

I nodded. "Why?"

"I don't think it's smart to keep her with the other babies," she answered. She went back to filling out some papers sprawled on her desk.

"They're babies, I doubt they'll remember this girl," I scoffed. "Where is the nursery?"

"Leave the girl in your room," Clairene said, waving her hand.

"No, I don't want baby germs all over my room," I shot.

"Fine," she sighed, shaking her head. "B3 is the nursery school. It's...It's only the afternoon, so the babies should be sleeping right now."

"Alright," I said, turning to the elevator.

"No thank you?" Clairene yelled.

I turned around and held a finger to my lips.

The elevator beeped as I arrived at floor B3. This place is too eerie for a nursery. I walked down the halls, looking for a sign that would point me to the right direction. Eventually I found a baby blue door with poorly drawn sunflowers on it labeled 'Nursery.'

I placed my hand on the doorknob and pushed the door open. It squeaked a little. I poked my head inside and right in front of the door, there was a huge mirror that covered the wall. There were shelves of stuffed toys placed on rows of oak shelves on the right and left walls and there were some dressers, and two doors. There was a marble podium in the center of the room. I gently closed the door behind me and stepped into the room. It smelled like babies.

I pushed the button on the podium and cleared my throat before speaking into the microphone. "This is Peter Ratri. Let me speak with the person in charge of the nursery."

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