Chapter Seventy-Two

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Today, Miracle is scheduled to have his brain removed so Jocelyn could see what happened to his intelligence. She had told me the previous days that I should try teaching him especially how to write and say words. I told her we needed months, maybe years to see any progress, but she's impatient. She doesn't bother trying to understand.

Cameron doesn't know. She doesn't know that eventually her head is going to get cut open, her brain is going to be poked at. She's grown so attached to Miracle, she's shown him so many things, and the two have so much fun just running around together. But it's also clear how the drugs I've been helping Jocelyn put into these two have taken a toll on them. If they're even a minute late to their medication, they have terrible headaches and their body becomes paralyzed.

Miracle's appointment is scheduled for this afternoon, and he doesn't even know it's going to happen.

I woke up extra early this morning, hopefully early enough so I have time to spend with both of them.

I wonder how Cameron will feel after she finds out. I wonder how she'll feel knowing that's how she's going to die.

"Y/N." A head of yellow frizzy shoulder-length hair stuffed itself into my face. "What's wrong? You've been spacing out this past week. Are you finally getting bored of us?" She grinned and stood straight. Her hands were on her hips, on that dirty white nightgown.

I managed a laugh, my eyes shifting to MIracle who sat by the other end of the room, stacking a couple toy blocks. "I could never get bored of you two."

"Then let's go play!" She grabbed my hands and dragged me next to Miracle. She stood in front of us, the young teacher with her over-aged students. "What are we doing today, Miracle?"

The boy responded by holding his arms in the air, his hands holding a wooden cube and a pyramid. He squealed and laughed.

"Yes," Cameron nodded firmly. "That's exactly right. Today we're going to build a scho–"

The door swung open and we all faced Jocelyn. "Miracle is coming with me."


"But it's so early!" Cameron whined, stomping her feet. "You can't take him! Y/NN! Tell her she can't take him yet!"

I couldn't say anything. My body wasn't moving. I didn't move a muscle as Jocelyn stepped inside. I couldn't move a muscle as she dragged Miracle out of the room. All I could do was sit there and watch as Jocelyn took him. Cameron was right, it was so early. There was no reason for the surgery to be moved up to today. The only unreasonable one I could come up with was Jocelyn's impatience.

This couldn't be happening. Not now. Not this early. Yeah, his surgery is in the afternoon. There's no way she would've moved it up.

"Y/N!" I jumped when I heard Cameron call my name. "We'll just continue without him. He'll come back later. We can just surprise him with the school."

But he didn't come back. Not during breakfast time, not during bath time, not during nap time. Not during dinnertime. The only one who came back was Jocelyn. She didn't say anything about him, she came back trying to take Cameron away, but I didn't let her. She said she would come back tomorrow.

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