Chapter Sixty

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On the way here, I struggled to catch up to Y/N. She wasn't angry but she scared me. I had never seen her behave this way before. I almost couldn't recognize her.

When we got to her room, she passed out on her bed, she stripped off her cloak, tumbled onto her bed, mumbled "Good night," and knocked out. She was exhausted. Her past swung by for a visit and although she was on her way to learn more about it, I'm sure she wasn't exactly ready. When she suggested we go to Grace Field, I could tell she was frustrated and sad and tired, but I didn't say no to her, I couldn't. I knew she just wanted to forget about the curiosity of her past, but she felt as if everything around her was telling her to go learn more.

I'm not oblivious to the fact that she has tried to learn about the past more, I've seen the books on her bookshelf. And I'm not oblivious that she is a liar sometimes. But as I've spent more time with her, I learned that she's afraid of her past, she's afraid of learning more. I'm not sure if The Demon God made her afraid of her past or something, but I don't think he had to. This doesn't feel like that. I feel as if Y/N made herself afraid of her past. Maybe she told herself scary stories that she eventually grew to believe, or maybe she's heard really bad things about her past that may have been false but she believed. One thing I know for sure is that Y/N isn't the same person she was before she lost her memories 9 months ago. Y/N has changed, and her family doesn't know that. Her family expects the Y/N they know, the Y/N they remember. They have an idea of Y/N, they knew who she was, but Y/N doesn't know anything about them. If you ask me, everyone except Sonju and Mujika is going into uncharted territory here.

Sonju came to talk to me, to tell us that the humans were coming to the palace, and if we wanted to talk to them. I don't like the humans, except Barbara, so I told him no, and told him to tell them we were out doing something very important if they asked where we were. Once he left, I spotted the pink little envelope on Y/N's desk. Her letter, and next to it, a newer white envelope; Mujika. To my dearest Y/N. She wrote the letter to her.

Listen. I am Y/N's best friend. I know Mujika probably better than I know myself. So, I deserve to read this letter. I'll read it aloud to Y/N...She'll hear me, and so, I opened it,

To my Y/N,

Do you remember how you taught me the pinky promise? That's how I remember it. Before you forgot, you told me your family taught you the pinky promise, then you taught it to me, and then I taught it to you. It's funny if you really think about it. That day nine months ago, I was new at being a royal and I will admit, I was far from ready even with Sonju and everybody else by my side. I wasn't ready at all, for anything that had happened to me or that was going to happen, but then you came along, and I met this new you. I had you to look out for, I had you by my side and I am forever grateful that I had someone as loving and funny as you by my side. I'm sorry you had to lose your memories, and I'm sorry you'll never know the truth no matter how long you look for it, you might never find the truth.

You might hide from it, and that's okay, because no matter what path you decide to take, Sonju, Renee, and I, and everybody you have met will always be here for you. We know you and you know us, we're here for you at your lowest and at your highest to cheer you on, we're here to support you and be by your side because we know that you'll do the same. We all love you for the person you are now. You can look at losing your memories as a positive thing or as a negative thing, but there's no escaping it. And although you can hide, you can't hide forever, I hope you understand that. You might be afraid, scared, and angry, and that's okay. It's okay if you're not ready. Everything will be okay. I promise. I pinky promise you we'll all be here for you. Always forever.

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