Chapter Two

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She looked just like Yuugo. Just like him. Pretty black eyes and fluffy black hair.

I stayed in that room and watched the other people take care of the babies. The twin girl introduced herself as Rain. She said she was a caretaker, like the other adults in the room, Micheal, Lola, Ellie, Delilah, and Justin. I like her already, maybe better than Peter. I don't like Peter. He scares me.

Rain gave me fruits and I think the other adults are scared of me, except Justin and Ellie. Ellie is talkative. Justin seems like a nerd. Lucas told me never to call anybody a nerd because that's rude. But he's not here.


What is taking them so long? The door clicked open, and Justin, along with Y/N walking next to him came out the door.

"Finally," I sighed. Y/N walked over to me and stood at my side. "How was she? She talk?"

Justin nodded. "She is chatty. She didn't say anything though. She was also too afraid to speak with the other babies. Oh, Smee came by to visit."

My eyebrows furrowed. I leaned in. "What did he say?"

"Oh, no," Justin quickly said, putting his hands up. "We tried requesting you for approval on visits, but you never responded, so we didn't allow him to speak to Y/N."

"Good," I nodded. "Well. Goodbye, forever. Thank you for nothing."

I picked up Y/N and left the room. Justin's confused look is always worth everything in the end.

"Did you like it there, Y/N?" I asked her. She had her head resting on my shoulder.

"Yeah," she mumbled. "They gave me nice fruits."

I hummed. "Did they now?"


I walked down to the elevator and pressed the button labeled 'Reception.' Ugh elevator music. Who added that function again? Worst possible human creation.

We quickly reached the top floor and I stepped out into the marble floors. I saw some janitor's in the distance. Aren't they early?

I felt Y/N's head move. "Where are we?"

"Receptions," I answered as I continued walking. "I'm going to leave you with this kind lady for a bit, okay?"

I was standing in front of the desk where Clairene was giving me a dirty look.

"This lovely lady has work to do," she said, giving me an irritated smile.

"And this man can kill this lovely lady whenever he wants, so she will do as I say," I warned.

"This lovely lady does not know how to take care of children," she hissed.

"And this man cannot afford to have this kid in his meeting. So this lovely lady is taking her for an hour or so."

"Fine, whatever," Clairene huffed, pushing herself to her feet. "Go put her on that sofa. I'll get her water, or whatever babies eat."

I smiled at her and walked over to the couch and gently placed Y/N down. "If she tells you to go somewhere with her, just ignore her, okay? And if you see an ugly man with brown hair and glasses, ignore him too, and tell him to go away."

"So ignore everyone except you?" Y/N asked.

"Attagirl, you're smart," I laughed.

"Move, go," Clairene hissed, shoving me away from Y/N. "You abandoned your responsibilities. Go do your work."

"Alright, alright," I groaned.


Mr. Peter Pan said to ignore an ugly man. Could this be the man he was talking about? He is ugly. Uglier than Clairene.

I saw his head shift in my direction and he started walking towards me. "Y/N right?"

I frantically shook my head. Oh no. I didn't ignore him. Am I going to die now? Please don't let me die! I'm sorry!

"No?" he muttered under his breath, stopping in front of me. "I only saw Peter bring in one kid."

My eyes lit up in fear. What if he kills me for lying? "Yes! I am Y/N!"

"Oh," he said. "Well I'm Smee. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Ugh, Smee get away from the child," Clairene scoffed as I saw her approach us. "Peter doesn't like it when you meddle with his stuff. So get lost."

Smee shot his hands up in the air. "Oh-kay grandma," he laughed, slowly edging away from me.

"You call me that one more time, I will pull your eyes out from your eye sockets and stuff them down your throat," she muttered, crossing her arms as she stood in front of him.

"Yes'm," he quickly said, coughing and running off.

"Stupid man," Clairene mumbled before going off to her desk.



Short chapter, under 1k words :)

Chapter Three will be when Y/N is 9, the year 2039.

Chapter Four coming next Sunday <33
stay tuned, happy days 🫶

published:  11.27.22

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