Chapter Twenty-Three & Twenty-Four

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(one curse word @a/n, also Peter be looking like a chad, or is it just me??)

Where am I? What is this place?

I reached for my face and ripped off the mask strapped to my face. It felt uncomfortable. My eyes flicked around the room as they slowly adjusted to the light. They stopped when I saw Lucas at the door.

"Y/N?" he mumbled. Tears immediately filled his eyes as he ran over to me and hugged me. Even with one arm, he gave the greatest–strongest hug anyone could ever give.

"L-Lucas..." I managed to say. "You're killing me."

He let go immediately, sat down on the chair placed next to the bed and placed his hand on my cheek. "Sorry. I just..."

Tears started rolling down his cheeks like waterfalls.

"Woah," I said. "I don't think I've ever seen you cry."

"Well now you have," he answered, half-heartedly laughing. "How long have you been awake?"

"I just woke up," I answered. "I don't really know."

His eyes lit up and he pushed himself to his feet. "I've got to tell the others."

He ran off and just a few moments later, a bunch of kids ran into the room, tears streaming down their faces as soon as they saw me.

Emma ran over to me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it. Ray too, put his hand on top of hers.

"Guys," I whispered, giving them a smile.

"You're awake! Finally!" the little ones yelled. Finally?

"Is everybody okay?" I asked.

Oliver cleared his throat. "There are some who are still recovering, but we're all alive."

"Mhm! Welcome back, Y/N!"

I spotted Yuugo at the very back, as if he was trying to hide from me. I sat up.

"What a creep," I said, loud enough for him to hear.

"Excuse me?" he yelled, marching towards me, pushing away the kids in his way.

"You heard me, creepy old man," I said again, leaning forward. His eyes bore into mine, until I saw them soften and he gave me a delicate smile.

He pulled me into his arms. I heard him let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness you're okay, Y/N."

I rolled my eyes and saw Lucas in the corner of my eye, giving me a glare.

I perked up and wrapped my arms around him. I forgot how it felt to hug someone. To hug Yuugo. I miss this. My shoulders relaxed and he pulled away. "Are you hungry?" he asked, keeping a hand placed on my shoulder. "Ray, you know how to cook. Go make Y/N some food."

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