Chapter Fifty-One

121 4 19

Nine Months Ago


I'm not sure I'm ready to live without Emma, but she is so I will be there for her, in her heart. And I'll always protect her in any way.

Everyone had left but one. A (h/c) haired girl was the only one standing frozen before the closed doors. "Y/N? Is everything okay? Why are you still here?"

She twitched and stumbled back, falling to the floor. Sonju rushed over to her side.

"Those doors are huge!" she laughed. "Who made those?"

"Y/N?" I asked, crouching beside her. "Is everything okay? Why didn't you go through?"

She gave me a funny look. "Go through where?"

"Through the doors?" I mumbled. This didn't make any sense. Everyone else was gone. Had Y/N missed her only chance to go to the human world? Why couldn't she...remember.

"Mujika," Sonju whispered. The realization had hit him too. "It's the reward of the promise. She would stay back...and forget."

"What are you guys talking about?" the girl asked.

"Nothing important," I assured her. "Come on, would you like to go home?"

"Yes please," she replied, stumbling up. "Is it weird to say that I'm exhausted even though I don't remember what I was doing just now? What was I doing just now?"

"Running around like you always are," Sonju replied before I could. I wouldn't even know what to say. What were even allowed to talk about with her around? Could we talk about humans? Were we allowed to talk about humans? What did The One want with this girl? I've never felt so uncomfortable around a human as I have now. "Say...what do you remember?"

The human thought for a little before answering. "I remember who you two are...that's about it...My memories are really fuzzy. I don't remember a lot... I remember how old I am. I am 17 and I'm going to turn 18 next year. Why can't I remember?"

Sonju sighed deeply. "You forgot your memories, Y/N...You haven't been able to remember for quite a while now..."

I looked at him. He's choosing to lie to her about this? For what reason?

"But that's okay because we'll try to help you remember as much as you can," he finished. The girl smiled and skipped ahead.

I scooched closer to Sonju and lowered my voice. "Are you going to lie to her about why she lost her memories?"

"I'm not sure what you want me to do, Mujika," he sneered. "If The One is truly behind this then I'm not sure he wants Y/N to get her memories back."

"So?" I hissed. "She deserves those memories of hers. She needs to remember her family, Sonju."

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