Chapter Fifty-Six

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Nine Months Ago (Human World)


The place was dark. I was laying on some sand and the moonlight reflected off the water's surface. The stars twinkled in the dark vast night sky. My hands were cold. My eyes scoured the surroundings I was in. Just seconds ago, I was walking into the light, holding the warm hand of the only person I ever needed, and now, my hands were alone, cold, and shaking.

I looked around and saw everybody but one. My best friend was sitting on the ground. In the moonlight, I saw his bloodshot teary eyes. His knees to his chest, his fingertips touching the water, shaking too. I approach him and sit down with him. He's in pain, I know, I see it.

"She's gone," he whispers. "She's not coming."

The words I never wished to hear are spoken aloud. I try to scream but my throat is hoarse and dry. I realized at that moment that my face was wet, my eyes were dry. My heart was empty. Reaching out for the person who wasn't here.

My heart reached out, looking for her, feeling for her, yearning for her. I don't know how to tell my heart that she's gone. And we'll never see her again. My chest aches and burns. My hands curl into fists and punch the ground, again and again and again. Over and over until I can't feel my knuckles.

My love, I hear. The stars are ours.

My arms wrap around my body as I bring my knees to my chest. I look up at the night sky. The stars I saw moments ago are no longer there. The moon looks down at me. It watches me.

Look up at the night sky and remember...

Remember what?

Seven Months Ago

"Oliver, come," she says, holding her hand out for me to grab. A smile on her face, her (e/c) eyes shining in the dark. "Come with me, my love. To the stars that belong to us. Where we can be together, forever, like we have always dreamed of."

I reach out for her hand but my fingers slip through her. Her hand fades away and suddenly she's gone.

I jolted up, waking up from yet another dream.


I glance over at the person resting on the other side of the room. My best friend woke up because of me. "Sorry," I whisper.

"Another nightmare?" He asks as if he's gotten used to it, and there's no surprise there.

I nod like he can see in the dark. "Yes," I responded, clearing my throat. "I'll be back. I'm going to grab some water."

"Alright," he sighs. I get off my bed and slip on a sweater, heading out of our bedroom and going to the kitchen. I wasn't lying when I said I was going to get water. I see the lights on and I see a man sitting down on one of the bar chairs, scrolling through his phone.

As I pass by him, I take a peek at his screen and the name Lucas is at the top. Messages are laid out across the screen.

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