Chapter Sixty-One

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Mujika walked into the kitchen and she jumped.

"Are you okay?" Lucas hurried over to her.

"Sorry," she laughed. "I'm just not used to seeing so many humans wandering around my palace."

"Sorry about that," he said before coming to my side and taking a seat next to me as Mujika grabbed some water. "We won't be here forever."

"I know, but I'll miss you all," she smiled. "I'm just worried Y/N will miss her chance to see you. Even if she doesn't remember, she should still talk to you."

"Do you know where she has gone?" I asked her.

"She's everywhere but the palace. She doesn't really like spending time inside," Mujika shakes her head.

"Can you tell us more about her?" Lucas asks this time. A question I have too.

Mujika thinks for a moment. "Before I say anything, what do you know about what happened to her? Why do you think she stayed back?"

"She stayed back for the reward," Lucas answers. "But she also lost her memories."

"Okay, I guess I can tell you," she nods. "Well, for the first three or so months, she was very shy. She was cooped up in her room and she never left. She was very chatty when it was just us, but she became very paranoid when other demons came over for visits. She was restricted from going outside because Sonju and I weren't quite ready to send her out.

"Then, she started going on town trips with Sonju four months in and that really sparked something in her. She became invested in the outside world. She became more open and comfortable with the guards, the cooks, everyone working in the palace, and even the townsfolk. She was more cheerful, but she didn't have any friends and I could tell she felt lonely, so it was around this time that she asked Sonju to train with her and she got really good at it really quickly.

"Around 2 months ago, she started sneaking out at night. She was going into the forest and playing around in there. Just last month, she met this demon around her age and became friends with her– Renee. Her first friend since she lost her memories and she was ecstatic. Y/N likes to steal things even though she has the money to buy them. Sonju always ends up paying for the things Y/N steals but he's never told her. Ever since she met Renee, she's become more carefree, more easygoing, more happier, more adventurous. And Renee knows Y/N is a human so it's easier to talk to her. But Sonju and I still struggle bringing up serious topics with her. I worry she's going to run away and never come back."

I laugh but Lucas doesn't. "Wait, that demon girl knows Y/N is human? And you're okay with that?"

Mujika nods. "I trust Renee and Y/N. Besides, I've made it illegal for demons to kill humans. Although I don't really expect them to follow that rule, some of them have become afraid of breaking that rule. To add to that, everyone thinks humans are dead, so they've grown to believe there's no point."

"Why did you leave the Grace Field farm standing then?"

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