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However you may have found this story, thanks for clicking on it and spending your time reading this fanfic. This is a Promised Neverland fanfic that follows the manga. I know I'm late to when all of this was popular back in 2020 or so, but I wanted to have a shot at fanfic writing and here I am.

I originally wrote this for myself with no intention to publish it on any platform. I like writing and I like TPN, simple as that.

Also, there is something I want to mention, I do mention this later on, but if you clicked on this story with the thought that this story will solely be focusing on the relationship Y/n (or you) has with Oliver, I want to say that will not be the case. There of course will be a relationship with Oliver, but that is more of a subplot kind of thing, not the main focus of the story. The main focus of the story is how Y/n lives her life, so if you don't want to continue reading, I completely understand and I apologize for kind of baiting you with the title. Although I do wish that you try reading the story, I hope you'll enjoy it. Thank you for understanding.

Story Information:


-Author note's at the end of each chapter

-MANGA SPOILERS!! (if you don't care about spoilers-- then feel free to continue)

- There are POV changes throughout the story so when there is one it can look like this:


(character name)

Please let me know if you spot any grammar mistakes!

Y/N's information (i'll keep it minimized because I want her to remain as mysterious as possible):

Name: Y/N (duh, also, Female)

Identification code: 1LU8V0L (From Goldy Pond)

Age: 15 (in 2045, 17 in 2047, 3 in 2033, 9 in 2039, 11 in 2041)

Birthday: August 2, 2030

(i'll leave her personality for you guys to find out)

This is my first fanfic so leave some constructive criticism, please :)

Enjoy the first chapter because why not.

re-written version is out, so if you want to read it... the characters are more fleshed out and there's a lot more story, just letting you know.

happy reading and happy days 

(360 words)

published: 11.06.22

updated: 09.10.23

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