Chapter Twelve

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When we got out of the underground place, I knew we weren't safe. I had that feeling and I was right. We got ambushed by a wild demon. I learned about them when I was Lambda. Jocelyn threatened me so many times that I got used to it. She used to tell me; 'If you don't go by my rules I'll feed you to the wild ones out there. You'll be lucky they're not the worst ones.' Then she started mumbling something about Poachers. Whatever that is, it's something Peter is majorly involved in.

I also met one of them– the poachers. At a ball one day when I was 7 or so. Some fancy demon party with 'The Five Regent Houses,' according to Peter. The demon Peter had a conversation with was pretty interested in me. I heard him say that he's never seen a young one out in the wild. But he did say I smelled pretty low quality. I didn't like him.

Right now, Ray and I separated from the rest of the group. I told them I was going to distract it while everybody else got away. It didn't take a lot of convincing when I brought up the fact that I have the most experience but Ray decided to come along with me.

We were hiding behind a tree as we successfully fled from our death. Ray stepped out from behind the tree and I stepped out slowly behind him.

Be brave, Y/N!

"Hey, 10 eyes! Can you see us?" I yelled. It turned around and spotted us. Of course it did. And as soon as it did, it started charging after us. But as the two of us headed for the roots, I saw 'human' demons in the corner of my eye and I dove for the nearest tree. I heard the demon's head get split off. Then Ray appeared next to me. I was covering my head when he crouched down next to me.

"Just in time, as we anticipated. Found them. We're bringing them back at once...Disgusting. Imagine an inferior race even touching our merchandise."

Merchandise. Man have I not heard that word in so long.

"Find anything?"

"This thing hasn't eaten," another said. "I don't smell any scent of human from his mouth. It hasn't eaten a single human."

"Are you hiding over there?" the first voice called out. You can come out now."

My eyes flew to Ray when I saw him looking for something in his backpack. Then he pulled out some scissors and he started carving something into the tree

Go 06-32


"That was a close one, wasn't it?" the demon started. "Thank goodness you're safe. It's alright now, I've taken care of that big bad monster."

I rolled my eyes. More like big fat monster.

"So come out now, will you?"

"Should I go and drag him out?"

Him. They didn't see me. Good. They won't know I'm working with the kids. However, I'm pretty sure Peter already has that figured out.

"No, it's fine, stay where you are...Are you by yourself? Where are the others? You understand now, don't you? Living outside here is impossible. Now let us return home."

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