Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Almost a week has passed and today is one of the human's birthday. According to Mujika, it is the blond one's birthday, her name is Gillian. I didn't go, I figured it would be suspicious if I were to show up and Y/N didn't. Now that I think of it, it's kind of sad if your friend didn't show up to your birthday party. It's a rude thing to do, but that old friend is long gone, I don't know what to say. In both ways, she's not physically here and mentally here. It sounds confusing without any context now that I say it out loud.

I did stay in the castle today, however. It feels weird being anywhere without her. She and I were always stuck by each other's side. I guess I got used to having her. I never expected her to leave. Not again at least. All I've been doing these past few days was researching Zagren's past. They sent Garmon out to Zagren's territory to see if he could get any information. Mujika has been busy helping out the upcoming elections for the Ionians and Sonju got in a new group of recruits that he's been focused on training. Today, both Mujika and Sonju were called in to celebrate the human's birthday. Munjika checked in on me earlier to make sure my corpse wasn't rotting away. Once she left I continued my search. So far what we've gathered over the past few days has been nothing. We've learned what we already knew. They nearly went extinct a couple hundred years ago, they go M.I.A every now and again. They focus on weapons and knowledge. Yet here's where the strange thing is. This current leader, Zagren came to her position after the humans left the Demon World. Before that, they were laying low, waiting for somebody to guide them. Now, I've done my research, Zagren was able to get connections to tons of other clans in less than a couple of days. Think about that. A clan with not a lot to showcase gets connections in a snap of my fingers. Meanwhile, Mujika over here struggled to even gain one and she literally saved the world. She has a stable army, stable income, stable workers, and stable sources of materials, yet she's struggling to make connections. At first, I thought it was the way Zagren operated with their rough sense of being, but the Demacia Clan are known for their rough ways of leadership yet they struggled as well and they've gone M.I.A a couple of times too. So, I looked into it, and apparently when the Zagren clan was at its lowest, at their point of extinction, a hero suddenly came out of nowhere and proved their strength, right after the humans 'disappeared.' Think about it, a strange demon who comes in out of nowhere and proves that they're worthy of the leader title. Isn't that a little strange? What's even stranger is how short their rulings were. Every 60 years, a new ruler would take the throne. It was never explained why they did it that way, and nobody ever questioned it. I'm not sure what I'm really getting at here. I haven't gotten a proper night's rest in days. I swear I've been seeing hallucinations. Hearing the humans' voices echo through the hall just outside Mujika's office also hasn't been helping. They're like little parasites. I've been finding their voices rather annoying. 

Something funny actually happened a few days ago. During one of my midnight runs for a snack, I ran into one of the older humans who was just sitting in the kitchen, drinking something out of a mug. They were reading a book when I burst in. I can't be bothered to remember his name but he had black hair and looked old. He asked me how I was doing and if I wanted to come to a birthday party they were hosting. I said no, and charged outta there, forgetting to make myself a sandwich. I don't think he knows that Y/N isn't here, but even if he did, he seems like the type that wouldn't really push me to give him an explanation as to why. He seems like he would understand the situation.

I do hope Y/N is okay, however. I don't know what Zagren has been doing to her but I hope it's been nothing that could take her away from me. I don't want to lose anybody else.



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