Chapter Fifty

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"Knock knock!" I called out into the dark. "Hello? Is anybody home? I'm looking for Renee, the seamstress!"

As I stepped inside, the door suddenly shut behind me and I jumped back, reaching for my sword. But in the corner of my eye, I saw a sliver of pink hair slip behind some boxes. I smiled and decided to play along. "Oh shit, it's a ghost...Has the ghost possessed Renee?"

A couple of cans clattered behind me and when I inspected it, I saw a small rock. I heard some footsteps but before I could turn around, I saw a shadow looming over me. My eyes landed on a white blanket. I could see the outline of Renee's horns and her long pink hair was sticking out.

I let out a laugh I didn't know I was keeping in.

She ripped the blanket from her head and I saw her frowning. "Was I not scary enough for your entertainment, your majesty?"

I quickly shook my head and caught my breath. "That was very entertaining I assure you that, Renee. It was fun."

"I was hoping you'd say scary but I'll take that compliment," she sighed.

"It was obvious that it was you behind the door," I said, suddenly remembering why I came to see her in the first place and shuffled through my belt pockets, pulling out a sack of coins. I held it out for her. "Here. The coins for your work yesterday."

"Oh," she said, dropping the blanket and taking the bag. "Why so many coins?"

"For helping me cook," I answered, picking up the blanket and patting it down. "I know that wasn't part of your job description and I'm sorry for keeping you longer than I should have. I know it wasn't very appropriate for me to do."

"No! No, it was okay...It was fun," she smiled, looking at the ground.

I folded up the blanket and placed it on a chair nearby. "You know, if you want to walk around with me, we could do that right now. I don't have anything planned today. Sonju's too busy to pay attention to me and I get really bored around the palace by myself. We could have some more fun today."

She perked up, smiling widely. "Are you sure that would be okay?"

I nodded. "We could even go back to the castle and pull pranks on some of the guards there."

She lit up when I said that. "I know the best demons who we could pull pranks on in the village. I'll show you all of my best pranks."

"All right," I grinned. "And I'll show you all of my best pranks."




Just as I had thought. "Is Y/N not here?"

He looked me up and down. "Did you lie to me?"

"No, Y/N would normally be here," I answered him as I skipped down the steps and joined him on the training grounds. I had never been out here before. I never really had a reason to come out here. Standing here came with a realization that the walls around the training grounds were really quite low...

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