1. The Message (Alex)

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Alex is studying for his law exam when his phone pings. He picks up his phone and sees an Instagram notification. Oh, he thinks, maybe it's another person thanking us for giving them the confidence to come out.

Alex had been studying for the past 4 hours. He was just about ready for a break so he decided to read the message because he loved reading everybody's stories. It was so heartwarming to see so many people coming out to accepting families, and he loved offering help to those who weren't accepted.

But instead of it being another heartwarming message, it was a rather hateful message:

You and Henry don't deserve to be accepted. You guys are breaking all the rules of normal society and making it ok for bad things like this to be spread in this world. I don't even know how your family accepted you. You and your family must be really messed up. I can't even begin to imagine the disappointment your mother must be hiding from you.

Alex is normally really good at ignoring these types of messages, but at this point in the day where he's already worn thin from studying, and Henry isn't there because he's helping Alex's mom with some stuff so that Alex could study, he was already worn thin. Alex and Henry had come to DC to help his mom with some presidential stuff that she needed them for. Alex has a law exam the day after their flight back to Brooklyn, so he's trying to get in as much studying as possible while here.

Alex started crying. He was just so tired and he wanted Henry so that he could hug him and so that all these words would just be washed away in his embrace. But Henry wasn't here. June, Nora, and Pez were out. His mom was busy keeping Henry busy. He curled up on the bed and just cried quietly. All of it was getting to him: the stress from his law degree, all the insults, being outed. He stayed like that for god knows how long.

Then, the door creaked open and Henry stepped into the room. He spotted Alex curled on the bed and rushed over. 

"Alex?" Henry asked, "What's wrong?" 

"I just- I was studying and then someone sent me a mean message and- and then the stress and everything got to me and I just started crying" Alex said in a shaky voice.

"Aw, love, don't worry. I'm right here. Why didn't you call me?" Henry asked softly.

"I didn't want to bother you and my mom. I know she wouldn't have called us here if it wasn't important and I didn't want to stress either of you guys out for something so stupid" Alex replied.

"This isn't stupid, and we wouldn't be stressed," Henry said, "And where is that person, I need to give them a good talking-to for insulting my boyfriend." 

Alex laughed softly, "Don't worry about it. I just want you here." 

"How about we just get in bed and go to sleep, all right love? Let me change out of my work clothes," Henry conceded. 

Alex nodded, "Okay."

Alex stripped down to his boxers while Henry stepped into the closet to get his nightclothes. 

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