36 ~ "Claimed"

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A jolt awoke you from your thoughts. A soft gasp made you realize the platform you were on was moving. 

The last few hours have been just you, your thoughts, and the cold darkness around you. Omnics had dressed you in some sort of gown and they kept their eyes on you the entire time. You weren't given any information on where you were or what was bound to happen to you.

Your hands tightened beside you, your eyes reflecting the light that came from above. Your breathing quickened and you could hear the faint robotic voice that spoke with enthusiasm.

'The beauty we'll be joined by is yours to purchase this evening, this evening only!'

Your eyes widened, and they scanned around you immediately, finding nothing other than machinery working smoothly to lift the platform. The spotlight on you brightened and the moment you felt the jolt of being all the way up, you saw the people that were around you.

The omnic you assumed was the host had his arms spread wide out, glancing around the room.

The moment you did the same, you regretted it deeply.

Your stomach turned the moment you saw familiar red and blue lights. 

Zen...? Ramattra...?

You trembled, your eyes widening with every second you stood there. You saw Ramattra wanting to reach his arm out to you, but Zenyatta was quick to stop him. 

Suddenly, you heard a loud bell of some sort, followed by the host's voice again. 

"The auction has started." He hummed, walking around to circle to seat himself in one of the luxurious seats all bidders were in. Including Ramattra and Zenyatta.

"Ring the bell to your side to make an offer, we start at 20.000 credits, and for every ring, there'll be 5,000 credits added. Is that clear?"

A large man laughed, causing you to turn your head at him. "Very understood... Terribly sorry, but she is mine!"

He slammed his large hand on the bell, and the television that displayed the number rose by 5,000 credits. 

You shook your head as your lip trembled, your hands tugging at the chains, "Let me go!"


Her voice echoed in the dark rooms, and all he could do was stand there, urging Zenyatta silently to ring that damned bell. 

He growled the moment the guards rose from the shadows to hold her down, bruising her wrists in the process until she was quiet again. Silent sobs as tears ran down her cheeks.

One of the female bidders yelled at them for ruining 'the transport's ' worth and her own time She left after that.

1 down, 4 to go.

Ramattra knew Y/N feared him and his brother, she feared they were involved in... whatever this is. 

He felt his mechanic heart shatter, his faceplate felt like breaking when he saw her reaction. It was something he never wanted to see on her face again. The pain, the fear, the strange glances she gave in that room. He shook his head, resetting his mind to focus on the fact that someday you would be in his arms again. Finally under the warm sun as he would see you smile and he would protect you.

He will protect you as he should've done nights before. Before all of this madness began and they took you as an excuse to kill Maximilien.

Ramattra's gaze was suddenly lifted.

DISCORD ~ Ramattra x Fem!Reader *OVERWATCH*Where stories live. Discover now