29 ~ "A fly in a trap"

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"And, honestly, I've never been the same!" You laughed as you told Ramattra one of the times you finally beat Genji at a swordfight when he claimed to be the best. 

"Though, once I got too excited, I couldn't beat him again. I suppose I cheered too soon." 

The sky had begun to darken, the stars coming out to shine brightly with the moon. The cold had begun to seep in, and chills ran down your entire body. Ramattra was quick to notice your body temperature dropping, and so during your little talks, he had taken off his jacket and wrapped it around your body, allowing you to look at him in only a blouse and tie. 

It was incredibly hot, to say the least. -- The jacket, of course.

You took a final sip from your wine, realizing he wasn't saying anything. He just looked at you, staring you down almost.

You tilted your head with a shy smile, "Is something the matter?"

Ramattra sat a bit more straight, adjusting his position. He let out a soft chuckle when he nodded, "Darling, have I told you that you look incredibly beautiful?"

Smiling, you shook your head in disbelief. "Ramattra, I believe you've told me that at the beginning of the evening, as well as a few times during dinner."

He shook his head, gently moving his hand to rest on your cheek as he had done on many occasions.

"My sweet, I do not say this only because of your looks. It is your heart that outshines any star that has ever been created. It illuminates you like the rays of the sun reflect on the moon. Your kindness is as soft as the clouds in the sky, your smile the most gentle of waters that flow in the rivers. You, my dear, are extraordinary."

You felt your jaw drop slightly at his words, a warmth caressing your cheek as you looked at him.

He gently moved to press his faceplate against your forehead, kissing it softly. 

"I...I've never heard anyone say that to me before," you murmured against his lips.

He took a deep breath, resting his head on your neck. "You should hear them more often..."

You chuckled softly as you rested your back on the cloth, looking up at Ramattra, who was now hovering over you. He tilted his head and you mimicked him, bursting out in laughter again.

He watched your smile grow and your eyes filled with the stars that shone above the two of you. 

You found yourself amazed by Ramattra and you raised a hand of yours to rest on his face, gently rubbing your thumb against his jaw. Your hand wandered to move to the back of his head, feeling the wires run along your fingers and see Ramattra's lights flicker, you grinned.

A short, but firm, groan erupted from Ramattra's chest as he looked down at you.

You raised your eyebrows in surprise, thinning your lips as a smirk formed. "Oh?"

Ramattra shook his head as he gently moved his hand to rest on your thigh, he hummed shortly. "You know... this was truly supposed to be sweet and loving."

You chuckled and whispered, "Isn't this loving, too?"

Ramattra let out another sound, so very close to growling. He moved his hand through the part your dress split at your thigh, his cold fingers leaving goosebumps on your skin.

You rested your head back, closing your eyes as you relaxed into his touch. 

A sudden explosion was quick to make your eyes open.

Both you and Ramattra looked at the Overwatch headquarters, eyes widening as you found the side burning and busted open. Alarms were blaring loudly as you and Ramattra quickly stood on your feet. 

"I will find who did this, you have to get the others!" Ramattra commanded his hand opening to find his scepter conjuring into it. 

You stood there in shock, your eyes flickering between Ramattra and the damaged building, you could only shake your head. "I'm coming with you, you can't go after the people who did this alone!"

He held his eyes on you, "I'll be fine, go!"

You took in a deep breath, nodding once at Ramattra as you hurried inside. Meanwhile, Ramattra looked up to see a helicopter approaching. He looked closely, finding a symbol on it that he recognized all too well. 

He readied himself as the helicopter hovered above him. He saw omnics looking down from the vehicle, ready to jump. Ramattra closed his eyes briefly, and a vague purple cube conjured up into his hand.

Right when the omnics jumped, he threw down the cube, bringing the omnics to a harsh fall, causing fatal damage.

"I truly had no quarrel with you, I'm sorry!" He called out, huffing as he knew exactly who had brought them here.

"You have gone too far, Akande."


Rushing through the hallways with the red flashing, you hurried to your -- luckily undamaged -- room, changing into something fitter for a mission.

You rushed out again, calling out for Odessa, Zenyatta, really anyone you could possibly encounter. 

When nobody responded, you decided to head to the damaged part of the building, only to find flames and smoke thick in the air.

You coughed and held your shirt against your mouth, a weak attempt to block the smoke from further entering your lungs. Your eyes were tearing up and you had to leave the scene.

You stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath as your eyes scanned outside, finding bright lights and a sudden hard pressure on your stomach that pushed you to the ground.

You blinked your eyes rapidly, finding red lights on the very top of the figure. You looked down on your stomach and saw sharp heels keeping their place very carefully.

A rifle was pointed at your head and your eyes widened in fear of what may happen to you.

"Foolish little girl..." the figure spoke. It was a woman's voice, a French accent as she spoke. "You seem to have been caught in my web."

She chuckled, though her smile faded quickly. Her face is as emotionless as it had been before.

She lifted her rifle and slammed it back down on your head, causing everything to fade into a dark space.


10k reads?? Unbelievable!! TYSM!! <33

Question of the day: Who out of the overwatch characters do you think would be your best friend?

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