19 ~ "For what it's worth, I am sorry"

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The following days went like Zenyatta's healing process. Instead of him laying in his bed, it was you. You were slowly recovering from the hit you took whilst Zenyatta stayed with you during the day to keep you entertained. Junker Queen would sometimes pop in unannounced, but you didn't mind that. 

"Zen, why do ya even wear pants as an omnic?" She asked and you laughed at that, genuinely wondering the same. 

"It keeps my metal warm, but it can be annoying," He hummed, and you gave him a confused look. 

"I sometimes forget to buy new fabric softener."

Odessa let out a loud laugh at that one and you shook your head, chuckling. 

Odessa tapped her feet, thinking as she looked back at Zenyatta. "Do ya even feel it on your... ya know, metal? Or skin, I guess?" She moved her arms over her own chest as if to strengthen her point. "Ya know, I feel that because I'm a human, but do ya omnics feel that, too?"

Zenyatta nodded, "We feel everything like humans do."

"Do you also have a tongue?" You blurted out, remembering the... event that happened between you and Ramattra. Now you were already surprised Ramattra had one, but you wondered if his brother did too.

Odessa laughed at that and seemed to ignore the silent stare you and Zenyatta had going on. You thinned your lips and looked down at your lap. "Just curious."

Zenyatta shook his head, "No, I do not have one as humans do." 

He then looked at you. "Some omnics do."

You nodded shortly and saw how Odessa was already grabbing her stuff to leave the room. It was late anyway and she gave you both a short wave together with a wink before leaving for her own room. 

Zenyatta and you sat there in silence for a while. 

"I just...err... saw it once... I was just curious." You said quietly.

"Curiosity is a beautiful thing, however, when treated too harshly, it can fail terribly." He spoke. "I'm not sure as to what happened between the two, but I fear that your emotions could destroy a lot."

You frowned at him, "How? I don't feel anything for him anyways." you rolled your eyes and looked away. Yet you did doubt yourself, did you really not feel anything for him? Or was it only hate inside you that you felt? If you saw him standing here to watch over you, what would you do? Embrace him or throw him against the wall?

You shook your head and settled your head on your arms, huffing. "I don't know what I feel anymore. Ever since that 'Doomfist' guy showed up, I don't think we can change his mind about this. He'll continue destroying every village within sight until his goal is reached."

Zenyatta put his cold hand on yours, making you look at his dim lights. "I do not think that is what my brother really wants."

You tilted your head, frowning. "Then what does he want?"

"I think that my brother is doubting whether he wants to use violence to make his statement or use Overwatch to make his statement. He is aware of causing trouble for more omnics and he thought for a long time that his only way to peace was violence. I believe we could make him see that Overwatch is capable of making a better place for omnics."

You smiled at Zenyatta, always so full of hope and wisdom.

You looked out the window, it was completely dark out. Only twinkling stars and a bright moon light up the streets. Considering there was no clock in the room, you asked Zenyatta.

He shrugged, "I could go and ask Cole, but I fear he would give me the wrong answer." 

You laughed and shook your head, giving Zenyatta a short but tight hug before he, too, left.

Sitting there on your own, you glanced at your chest, more bits of bandages were to be removed but you smiled at the progress. At least you could move a lot more than you could a few days ago. 

When you went to sleep, it had been peaceful, but it was soon enough disturbed by some sort of light in your room. When you fluttered your eyes open, you saw it was purple. 

You pretended to be asleep and let your eyes adjust to the light, noticing only some sort of cloth spread out on the floor. It was two identical parts, long and it looked like a scarf of some sort. They were pointed towards you whilst the figure was facing the window.

Shifting slightly, you started to wake up a bit more, hearing the soft humming noise that came from the figure. And your eyes soon widened with realization.

How did he get in here?

You sat up slightly, watching as he was meditating next to Zenyatta like you caught him doing a while back. 

The bed suddenly let out a small creaaak! and you were quick to plop back down and pretend to sleep.

Your eyes were so narrowed it looked like you were sleeping, but you secretly watched as Ramattra lifted his head and turned it to you. It felt like you were caught as he stood up, putting his scepter to balance against the wall, and approached you.

Instead, he gently moved a chair to sit beside your bed, gently watching over you.

You felt incredibly awkward but that's when he began to whisper.

"I..." he began, slowly facepalming himself. "Why am I doing this?"

He sat back upright and looked down at you, his red lights dimming as he noticed your eyelids twitching at the light.

"I'm incredibly sorry, about everything..." 

He shifted slightly as though he were nervous. Yet he kept perfectly still so as to not disturb you. 

You were trying to hold back on moving or saying anything, instead, you wanted to hear what he was saying. Because, of course, you wanted to know what he actually felt instead of asking him bluntly. And considering his current conflict with Overwatch, a meeting would be unlikely.

"The night I left... I had gone by Zenyatta. I asked him to explain it all, and knowing him, I am certain he has. But what he hasn't told you, is that I regret it. I fail to see that brutality will not work for my people and you were the first to show me that. Yet in my foolishness, I have pushed you away, and for that... I can only ask for forgiveness."

Then there was silence, and you felt a soft yet cold surface upon your forehead and another light shift of fabric being moved on your nightstand.

You heard him standing up, grabbing his scepter off the wall, and quietly leaving.

Once you were absolutely sure he had left, you opened your eyes. They were blurry and it hit you that you'd been tearing up over his speech. All you wished for now is that he'd told you when you weren't asleep. But that would take a long while.

You took a deep breath in, his scent still in the air, but then you realized something on your nightstand. It was big, fuzzy, and incredibly soft as your hands felt it. Your eyes widened when you picked it up.

His scarf?


Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a rough day and I didn't feel like writing. 

The next chapters might take a while, I'm really busy with school but I'll try my best!! Thank you for your patience!

Love you all! Good morning/afternoon/evening/night

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